An error was reported from EA Online


Registered User
Sep 2, 2012
Wow....this shit has got my gears grinding!!!!! My days off i DO NOT enjoy long walks on the beach...i enjoy raping face in the attack chopper!!!!!! Thanks EA/DICE/Origin!
Im with ya. I still cant play but at random times. Then I play a round. Jump off and try again for it not to work. Makes me feel like I spent 2 dallors and not 110.
Makes me feel like i spent 110 dollars for DICE techs to step away from the game while its loyal fans get the shaft from EA/Origin. I mean there is NO way DICE intended for this shit to happen...It is 97.985323975957345867947652348752973485% out of their hands. It's all on EA to solve majority of these problems "PAYING GAMERS" are having. But EA is too consumed with their console "only" income that they dont give a fuck about DICE because they payed them off already!!!!!!!!!
How the heck am i supposed to enjoy me day(s) off if i cant do what i payed for...Fuck, if i pay a hooker $500 to slap her around for a couple of hours and have my "Patrick Bateman" way with her, I am going to want my money back, FUCK!!!!!!!!! I can't stress BLONDE enough can i?
try changing your password and then revert back to your original password. If not just wait it out, that's what i did. :/
Yea...tried changing back ot OG PW, but my 12"letter"3"number" pw wasnt secure enough and needed an "Uppercase" letter in it...luckily about 0100hrs CST my shit started working.
Thanks for the forums ot let me blow off some steam. Also, I got a chance to start my chopper smoosh video too!