Another reason not to install a full Nvidia driver suite


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
I only install the driver and the physx, doing a custom install I deselect everything but these two items. It's saved me headaches from 3d and audio shit I don't use or need and now Nvidia is adding "telemetery" no.

Telemetry is probably one of the most controversial sides of software as of late. In an age where privacy is quickly becoming a privilege rather than something taken for granted, it helps for software vendors to be very careful that no toes are trodden on. In a recent discovery by MajorGeeks, it was found that telemetry has been included in the latest driver version of Nvidia and not only are we unsure as to what the purpose of the new code is, but there also doesn’t seem to be any upfront way to opt out of it.

Has Nvidia become the NSA? Probably not; driver telemetry is usually harmless and occasionally useful
There were some reports by users on reddit saying that the log shown by the source is made up/fake so we did a fresh install of the latest driver package and can confirm that the telemetry processes do exist. The changelog doesn’t appear to list any newly included telemetric function and the process itself doesn’t seem to be doing anything much. From the looks of it, this will report back telemetry in the case of a driver crash or other extreme scenario. Since the telemetry was added after installing the complete driver package, at this point we aren’t completely certain whether the Nvidia Geforce drivers are to blame or Geforce Experience is.

Our US Editor, Keith was able to confirm that the telemetry processes do exist on a fresh install.

The screenshot above shows the telemetry processes included in the new update and here are the steps needed to remove it:

  • Download and run Microsoft Autoruns.
  • Type nvidia in the filter box.
  • You will find Telemetry in the Task Scheduler section and the nVIDIA Wireless Controller, and ShadowPlay services further down under the registry entries.
  • Uncheck NvTmMon, NvTmRep and NvTmRepOnLogon to disable telemetry.
  • Uncheck Nvidia Wireless Controller Service and NvStreamKms if you don’t use Shadow Play and nVIDIA wireless controller.
  • If you get an error, close the program and right click on Autoruns.exe or Autoruns64.exe and “Run as Administrator.”
Thanks for the post! I'm a noob at this kind of stuff and this helps me understand better.
Do you still use shadowplay at all?
I noticed every time I installed new Nvidia drivers, it would fuck up my sound, changing it from my sound card to my monitor. Never have figured out why, since my monitor does not have speakers.
I noticed every time I installed new Nvidia drivers, it would fuck up my sound, changing it from my sound card to my monitor. Never have figured out why, since my monitor does not have speakers.
That's why; the video driver also has 3d audio drivers it installs as part of the package. I have a dedicated sound card and don't want my sound messed with for a new video driver. Just do a custom install, deselect everything but the gpu driver and physx, and make sure to do a "clean install" and no more problems.