Another VT Shooting

Man I cant believe this!!!!
This is what makes us gun owners look bad!
The NRA is gonna have a field day of cleanup after this.
Little by little we are losing our gun rights cause of maniacs like this.
People say making guns illegal is as bad thing, I agree but what about this.
More bloodshed, such a shame.
How do you know he was legal gun carrying person?

I dont, but I dont think that matters, its just the fact that another maniac with a gun gets national attention, and anti-gun rights activists are gonna rage.
Also myself as a victim of a armed robbery one would think we need to get guns off the streets, but I think responsible citizens should be able to carry.
I'm all for getting illegal guns off the streets too, but I really despise people that group illegal with legal. You know what I'm saying?
I'm all for getting illegal guns off the streets too, but I really despise people that group illegal with legal. You know what I'm saying?

Yes absolutely. It pisses me off, how do we solve this problem without taking more rights away from law abiding citizens.
Yes absolutely. It pisses me off, how do we solve this problem without taking more rights away from law abiding citizens.

How do we see a tragedy and not immediately react to what it means for your gun rights? Who has come out and threatened to take away your guns? How about some empathy first.
Its a tragedy for sure but if you ARM everyone then this never happens. Dont take away rights, give everyone guns.
Its a tragedy for sure but if you ARM everyone then this never happens. Dont take away rights, give everyone guns.

If you are legal to buy a gun why cant we just carry them!!!! MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE!!!!! The criminals carry, why cant we!!!
I'm sorry but not everyone is qualified to handle a weapon - it takes training and discipline...even cops have break downs when they fire there weapon....

even if you have training and discipline taking a life is never easy even if its justified... you would all say "well its to defend myself" thinking you will just carry it to instill fear...but fear clouds judgement...decisions that need to be made in a split second are suddenly intensified when you have a weapon and the ability to take someone out...

there are certain people who can handle a weapon...many dont want to or just cant...similar thing happened in Florida not long ago...routine stop...guy pulls out a gun and shoots two cops in the head...he was hunted down for weeks...turned himself in....turns out he had a warrant so he decided to kill 2 cops and try to escape......random shit like this happens all the just had to be in VT again.....

btw supra title is a lil wasn't a was from what I read 2 people dead... 2007 33 people where shot in a class room....that's a massacre...

all we can do to be safe is to try our best to protect ourselves and our loved ones...with or without a weapon..
"I'm sorry but not everyone is qualified to handle a weapon - it takes training and discipline...even cops have break downs when they fire there weapon....

even if you have training and discipline taking a life is never easy even if its justified... you would all say "well its to defend myself" thinking you will just carry it to instill fear...but fear clouds judgement...decisions that need to be made in a split second are suddenly intensified when you have a weapon and the ability to take someone out...

there are certain people who can handle a weapon...many dont want to or just cant."

So very true. I have watched people completely panic in training and shoot the wrong people. Granted these were targets, but still it goes to show that in the split second timing and decisions needed some people will never have the skills required no matter how much training they have.
How do we see a tragedy and not immediately react to what it means for your gun rights? Who has come out and threatened to take away your guns? How about some empathy first.

Falcon that made no sense from what you quoted me at. It is a tragedy, a cop was shot and another innocent person. I feel awesome more people were killed, and especially a police officer, I have the highest respect for people who wear the shield. When I was robbed a gun point it was the police that was there in 5 minutes with 5 squad cars and a helicopter over head. Knowing this guy had a gun they went after him anyways. That is courage beyond belief
Honor, Courage and Commitment..Its a Marine thing.
Nice thread name change, I thought the first was a little misleading...
Falcon that made no sense from what you quoted me at. It is a tragedy, a cop was shot and another innocent person. I feel awesome more people were killed, and especially a police officer, I have the highest respect for people who wear the shield. When I was robbed a gun point it was the police that was there in 5 minutes with 5 squad cars and a helicopter over head. Knowing this guy had a gun they went after him anyways. That is courage beyond belief
Honor, Courage and Commitment..Its a Marine thing.

The thread instantly turned into a gun rights discussion, hence my comments. People were concerned, in this thread, that this would be used as ammunition by the "anti gun crowd". I think that's a weak response to a tragedy. I see more proactive messages by the gun rights supporters after a shooting than I do by gun rights opponents. It strikes me as fear mongering. Oh and to the point that we should arm everybody, please show me some actual data that says more guns = less gun related crimes.

I agree, I was a little harsh in my initial post, sorry for that.