Any BF3 Updates


Registered User
Mar 23, 2011
Coming soon? The reason why I ask is when I completed my assignment for the L96 sniper rifle, I played with it for maybe a few rounds. then from what I noticed, was my L96 sniper rifle is not in my recon kit when I'm actually in-game. Another thing I noticed was, The B2K gun kits are not showing up when the game is actually finished. This game is majorly bugged so much..I'm getting really sick of the issues EA is having. Specially with origin. I keep getting error messages saying "You are missing content from the game" I ain't missing shit. WTF is this shit?
Origin at times keep telling me that my email and/or password is incorrect... which is impossible seeing a EA/SWTOR share the same login and I can log in no problem to The Old Republic. Glad though that you don't need Origin to play SWTOR.... why can't we just do that with BF3 >:( Either that or fix your shit EA!!!!
I know it would be a pain in the ass; but, try reinstalling? For the most part my game has been running fine besides a crash here & there. This is typical DICE 20 server patches & 10 patches for your game.
lazy fuckers

So youd rather them burn out, never fix anything else in this game and then have 2143 come out to be something like fail soup? Go for it lol.

Programmers are pretty under appreciated. Next time you want to complain write it yourself first and then see how you feel. Personally I could probably never work on a large team. I tried to assemble on for an RTS once... Yeah turns out a bunch of console hackers really have no interest. Of course I love the comment one of my friends gave me when I said oops that was my fault, hes like isnt it technically always your fault you wrote it.

I need to go back to college take Trigonometry so I have a chance at game design. That's really the only weak point I can fix. The being an artist part makes being a one man taking forever to do it all himself dream a bust.

Speaking of bullshit i just got done trying out that Modern Combat 3 for android that went on sale for 99 cents... there really ceases to be any new content in Combat FPS....
no the opposite, I would rather they didn't take a holiday whilst the game is FAR from perfect. Sure have Christmas off and new years but if the are on holiday I think that's a bit much and maybe says something to you about DICE
no the opposite, I would rather they didn't take a holiday whilst the game is FAR from perfect. Sure have Christmas off and new years but if the are on holiday I think that's a bit much and maybe says something to you about DICE

Well if you work for adobe after 25 years you get to disappear for a long time and then just randomly show back up :p. 2 days isn't a vacation neither is 7. 30 days isn't going to fix this game either, I mean years has yet to fix previous titles right?

Once EA acquired DICE the developers that work there now's lives are over. They managed to get a break written into their employment contracts and if you worked there you would want it too. After a weeks vacation I return to work ready to kill a bunch of mother fuckers. If i had a dev job I probably would have had a mental break down with people working for EA breathing down my neck.