Any of you bastards play Magic The Gathering?


Mar 6, 2011
I was always one to avoid this kind of crap, but at the same time some of you might have been more likely to have fallen into the trap prior to certain awesome timesinks the internet eventually brought.

I am about 3 weeks in:

I also do MTGO (Magic Online) if anyone plays there instead.
I was into it for about 4months... now I just want the crap gone, but cant just throw it away...aside from a select few cards that I like the artwork for that i want to keep
I was into it for about 4months... now I just want the crap gone, but cant just throw it away...aside from a select few cards that I like the artwork for that i want to keep

Hit me up let me know what you have i might be interested
Back in the day I had two separate collections worth 5000.00 per. Had an Alpha Mox Pearl and a shit ton of cards from the Legends set. Boy, those were the days. I think it was the late 90s if I recall.
My son played that for decades. He won money all the time at some of those contest shops.
I have played off and on since the late 90's. I had a red deck that I had used unchanged since the mid 2000's. The new stuff coming out in the last year or two is very overpowered. Pretty much takes the skill of deck construction out of the game.

As a result, I reworked my goblin deck to make it even faster. I also run a mill deck that everyone at school who plays hates. Keening Stones, Traumatizes, Forced Fruitions, Propaganda - you get the picture.
never could get into the Card table top games, except for hearts/spades/black jack. Always played D&D...2nd and 3rd edition (played a couple 3.5 campaigns).

though I did play the fuck outta some POGS! since we are on 90s games ;)

At 688 cards now. Bought pretty much every black sleeve pack that the 7 local walmarts had and still don't have enough.
I have goblin grenade, but currently use Krenko's Mob Boss, Goblinslide, and the like. Goblin Gaveleer is a good 1/1 trample that gains +2/0 for each equipment attached to it.
im with snake I was all about some pogs. my whole collection of loot and my sweet slammers are somewhere in my moms attic
Before you fall too too deep, Rain... There is a MTG card game on steam as well, want to say Duel of Plainswalkers. Theres a few since there seems to be a new one every year. There is less customization, but just as much strategy with premade set decks (with a little customization). Might be something to check out since it's fairly inexpensive and you won't blow heeps of money on it.
Before you fall too too deep, Rain... There is a MTG card game on steam as well, want to say Duel of Plainswalkers. Theres a few since there seems to be a new one every year. There is less customization, but just as much strategy with premade set decks (with a little customization). Might be something to check out since it's fairly inexpensive and you won't blow heeps of money on it.

That in itself is a trap if you ask me. Every year if you want to follow your friends to play new cards you spend 10 bucks.

Magic Online. The real game is 10 dollars. The catch is it'd North America PC Only. However it updates every time new cards come out in the real world. The potential pit fall is card packs cost the same in real money. But you can play it without spending a dime.

There is a format called pauper and its played using common cards only. There are bots in the game u can get free commons from every day. On top of that they give you new player points to participate in events that get you free cards. The intent is to get you hooked but just get your cards and ignore the feeling. Trade your rates for hundreds of commons if you play pauper.

They also give you 5 event tickets worth $5 that's another 500 cards worth of common crap too! I actually traded 2.5 tickets for a planeswalker that in real life cost me $7.

Worst case if your a gambler and blow all your money. You can cash out a complete set of cards for $25 and sell them to someone in real life.
Say whatttttt!? my whole deck would be illegal then.... IM an old school player... and no you cant have my mox rubies or eneralds!!
Lol. I can't find a date but pretty sure its been this way for over a decade.

Standard was declared to be 2 blocks and 1 core. Basically the last 12 months worth of cards. Then extended took care of the legacy players needs, banning certain cards from tournaments that would make stupidly unbeatable combinations due to years worth of complexities. But extended was originally 5 years worth of cards.

Modern has replaced Extended and you can play any card from the 8th edition til current minus the ban list. Magic would actually have died years ago if it wasn't for these sort of things. They need to sell cards to make money. But you also need to cater to players who want to stick with their existing investment. At the same time there are rediculous card combos from Alpha til now that can beat any deck in 4 turns so the ban list has its place.

There is also legacy and vintage but house rules have their place. The people I play with still play the mana burn rule.
Also hang onto that MOX ruby. Depending on what print it is, its worth a small fortune. Hell the reprints in vintage masters would still fetch a box of booster packs lol.
I used to play around 90-92, had really good black and blue decks and a straight plague rat deck. We always played with an ante (random card picked from each deck to go to the winner), had a black card that would allow you to search an opponents deck and put any card not in play into the ante instead of what they put there. So much fun, but haven't played in 20 years.