Appealing my ban

Michael Grenier

Registered User
May 19, 2015
Ethinic/ Relgious word & Racial slurs will not be lifted. We don't care why or with who you used it with. Only in a unique situation a ban such as this may be lifted. False positives for example. Regarding to ban appeals, offering donations, although appreciated, will NOT help your appeal.

What is your in game ALIAS(es):* lDatsyuk

Which game is it?:* BFHardline

Your Steam ID:

Server name that you were banned on** **24/7 HOTWIRE [EXTENDED ROUNDS] [TBGCLAN.COM] [NO LAG] EA

Approximate Date/Time that you were banned** 1:25am Eastern Time

Admin that banned you (If you remember) It was an automatic message.

If possible, the reason that you might have got banned for Said the "N" word that ends with an "a". Not to anyone, but I said it because I thought it was crazy that EA actually allowed that word to be said in a song that is played in the vehicles.

Any additional comments you would like to add? I didn't mean to be offensive. I was just really excited and thought it was odd. I love that server! I mean't no harm. Sorry for breaking a rule. A second chance would be appreciated! No N words!

This is directed for everyone. Do not respond to ban appeal threads unless you are able to provide pertinent information (or assist the situation), admin involved and/or banned player.
To add, I didn't state any opinions or direct my words to another player. I was in a vehicle with the radio on. I hear a rap song and the lyrics had the word. I stated in the chat "This song says the word n***a in it.." followed by something that justified why I thought it was wrong. I can't remember word for word. I hear that it is a ban that is not lifted. I am not sure if it is just the word in general, which I do understand, or how it is used that determines whether it can be lifted or not. I know I should of just kept it to myself, but I was just really excited and wanted to let people know I thought it was odd. I am against the word for more reasons than one. I understand the impact that word can have on a lot of people. I also understand that my conduct is not tolerated. Although, I do believe the severity of my conduct is minor. If I am permanently banned, I do understand because the rules are very clear. I just hope that is not the case because I really enjoy Hotwire and the people who play in that server. A permanent ban would impact more than just me not being able to play in that server, I will also have less chance of being able to play at all. I depend on the active servers during the late hours I am only able to game. With that server being one of the very very few active servers at night, I would lose the likeliness of me finding good fun. I plead my case to you being as humble as I can. I am far from racist and want to be the last person to offend another person. Again, I am sorry! Thanks.
Hi Datsyuk,

I pulled the chat logs: May 19, 2015 12:25:39 am No racist shit, but this song says nigga.

Where I can understand the surprise, still probably not the best thing to say with all the warnings that we have about slurs, though as you said, this was not with intent.

As it says on the server page, in flash messages, and on your appeal Ethinic/ Relgious word & Racial slurs will not be lifted. We don't care why or with who you used it with.

A Head Admin or Founder will reply when they can with the final word on the matter. As it is late at night, you may have to wait till tomorrow before you get a reply, so we do ask that you be patient till one is able to respond.

~Sgt Kokuei
You did not direct at anyone and yes unfortunately ea and the developer allowed a song that has the word nigga to be played in the car. Complete idiots that only feed the trolls

I believe it is called "wutang clan shame on a nigga" according to reddit song tracklist.

I'll go ahead and lift this ban but be sure not to type what you hear in the car
Just checking on the ban. Is there a wait time when it comes to the bans being lifted? I keep getting kicked when I try to join the server.