while I understand the frustration level of the people involved in this "sit in" "take over" whatever you want to call it. Its also stupid in a few ways. Federal land belongs to ALL of us. So while we pay for employees who cant go to work at this facility, we also are paying for the electricity and any other resource they are using while "taking over" If they wanted this land they could have AT ANY TIME put in a bid to purchase. With the government cutting spending left and right I dont think they would have a good argument not to sell the land back to the peoples of the local area. Instead they are wasting both local and federal funds. These are funds that belong to ALL of us. They are wasting everyone's money with this stunt. There were many civil ways to handle this. Not to say the federal government handles things perfectly and there are not an abundance of shit laws and abuses but if I were to go in and say IM TAKING OVER THIS POST OFFICE BECAUSE THEY LOST MY MAIL I would have a bullet in my head pretty quick. We as a society cant have any one group up and taking anything. This would set an extremely bad precedent, this in my opinion includes the both state and federal government as well. No land or facility should be seized by anyone without a very good reason (read we just had a nuclear meltdown so we have to seize this land for peoples protection so they dont have mutant babies).
now on to some other points of contention on this thread. Our system, our democracy, in theory is good. It worked amazingly for a really long time. It is still a decent structure but it fails miserably to work efficiently in our modern day. Way to much influence is wielded by private interest at the expense of everyone. We see minimal return for what we do put in (taxes) and voting for a person to represent us is antiquated. We all have the ability to participate in our government now, this is not 100 years ago. We have the internet, it should be used to vote on issues not people. Representatives have time and time again betrayed people promising to deliver on emotionally leveraged topics only to soak up a large pay check an hold political circle jerks. This is so fucking wasteful. It should not be a job to represent people, the people can represent themselves so lets make it happen and quit trying to run this country as if it were 1901. We are supposed to be the greatest country on earth, why the fuck are we letting a handful ruin it? I want a great America, I want the America where if you work you can afford to live a decent life. I want an America where one mistake does not ruin an entire life. I want an America where peoples health and welfare are not sold to the highest bidder. But right now the America I am looking at is a husk of what it was and I feel like we rather let our own country men suffer than lay down bullshit ideology, traditions, and fear of change and just move forward. I think the only way America is going to get good again is if we get our system up to speed and water down the current cash grab. The loss of jobs to other countries only hurts all of us, the lack of health care hurts all of us, bullshit lies from politicians only hurt all of us. Poor policy and retarded laws only hurt all of us. The same goes for really fucking stupid occupations ( occupy wall street ) including this current event in Oregon wasting everyone's money. I get it this country has problems, serious problems that hurt every day ordinary citizens. I think most of the country under the age of 30 have been let down by this country in one way or another. But we are not going to fix anything in this country getting arrested, labeled terrorist, or failing to have a good plan to at least try and make things better. We will also never get out of the rut we are in while people refuse to try new and untried solutions to problem. We will never gain traction bettering this country if we only pander to a handful of types (scammers, the wealthy, or businesses). while everyone has spent the last 30 years dividing themselves political R vs D we have let this country slip out of being awesome. We have let our people lose jobs, protection for our workforce, education, affordable healthcare, in exchange for a giant prison population, a massive populace of under/unemployed, large average debt, shit health care pending you are lucky to afford it, and tax dollars that seems to get us a nice road or two. How about we focus on improving the country for the majority, Americans should have jobs, Americans should have access to healthcare, Americans should have more control over federal and state policy, we everyday average Americans should be the biggest benefactors of our own hard work and tax dollars. We should have it all, we once did how about we fucking get it back?
but hey lets just argue about the one guy who managed to scam the system and get SNAP, or the how women are whores for needing abortions, or how we need to let in 100 billion refuges in before we feed and employ our own populace. Or how someone should get a priority status because of their race. While we are at it you know what, how about we all just say fuck each other and we just decide to argue ourselves into some broke shit country where we can all be equally unemployed, unhappy, sick and uneducated? How about we all decide to vote for some more people to suck the life blood out of this country? While we are all at it lets give our current wages back to whoever we work for so we don't have to feel guilty about taking money from a poor business. Also for added patriotism we can all throw ourselves into prison once we cant pay our bills because we accepted no pay for our jobs and are now criminal scum?
lets get real people this is our country we can either have a nice one or not. If we want a nice one we cant keep going at the rate we have been things have to change, a LOT of things.We need to accept the fact that unbridled capitalism and an un-modernized government will ruin us all.
sorry for the rant lol