army training sir!!!


Registered User
Sep 2, 2012
Tough paper work.

shit squad.jpg

A team that eats together, shits together!!!!! Me and my buddies, Dearnuts and Dirty Sanchez

MRE+DFAC=...well you get the idea
That was two days of mres, the dfac helps push the mres out. Jameson helps lube it up and bring it ou
I feel that bro, I just got out of JRTC. almost every day of Mr. E's Gourmet
By "tough paperwork" do you mean the quality of the paper that you use to wipe? xD
Nope. John Wayne. Tough as hell, and don't take shit from anyone. As big as army is on hygiene, you'd think they would spend more than 30 cents on a case off ass ribbon
Why are you taking photos in the men's bathroom? (Sorry, latrine)
cuz i walked in there. 2 minutes later my buddy Dearnuts came in a few seconds later Dirty Sanchez walked in....just thought it would be a funny kodak moment that a third of my squad was pulling security on east end of the shithouse!
Its the army, if it isnt about sex or shit, then its not worth discussin'