Asus VG248QE


Registered User
Dec 27, 2013
So I have been playing on a 60hz monitor for... ever?

and I thought, well I wonder if these gaming monitors even make a decent difference

Well 3 matches in BF4 playing cold cause I have not played in say 3 weeks I was 1.3-.14 KD vs my usual 0.7-0.8

Now I know KD is not the end all be all but I am def getting kills in spots I normally would be killed and it is glorious,

Not to mention with the lightboost hack and 120fps 1920p with ultra settings I have NO motion blur.
I thought the same, until I got better interwebs via ISP and oh my god, I find myself raping more so than not!
I want that monitor...but I need to wait to till I get my Fort Knox safe and my first kid arrives.