AT&T will cap DSL and U-Verse internet

i wonder how much bandwidth i use on an average month with gaming, downloading anime, watching netflix and hulu streams. gotta be quite a bit.
I measured data usage on Supreme Commander two years ago, it's about 250mb/hr. I'm not sure what the data usage is with BC2 or other first person shooters but I'm interested in finding out. At 250mb/hr you would get 600 hours a month of usage before bumping into the cap. That's roughly 20 hours a day of gaming. On the flip side, you use a LOT more data downloading music and video, which is the second biggest reason behind this new rule, directly behind making more money. This plan does absolutely NOTHING to directly ease any congestion on their network, it is simply a cash vacuum. Nobody is going to adjust their usage because of it, on the other hand it gives ATT that proverbial foot in the door to start turning the screws from a different angle down the road.
Caps? Iv had a Comcast (Cumcrap) cap for a year now. Welcome to my world. The world of horrid packet loss, terrible ping, and stupidly bad up time. I finally had to move to DSL. Its slower but atleast I know my ping will be the same no matter what.




Just redid them so you can see some consistancy on my end:


I can do that all day long too. I was recently worried about my usage and I have checked. My normal without netflix and downloading this and that usage is under a gig a day so the cap will rarely get close. But it is indeed very much possible for me to hit it in a few days without trying as well.

I measured data usage on Supreme Commander two years ago, it's about 250mb/hr. I'm not sure what the data usage is with BC2 or other first person shooters but I'm interested in finding out. At 250mb/hr you would get 600 hours a month of usage before bumping into the cap. That's roughly 20 hours a day of gaming.

BC2 uses next to nothing, I cant quote of the top of my head but in the hours ive played the last 2 days, including my youtube anf forum browsing i didnt even hit a gig.