

Registered User
Jul 12, 2012
Sorry if I break any ToS
I used the search engine and it came up with nothing.

Just a problem here,

any way to fix how the posts come up?

Official Poster is on the Very last page on the bottom, and the latest post is on the very first page on the first post, when originally, it should be the other way around.

Thanks :)

EDIT: Thank you if you were writing on this post, but I fixed it.

Please close this :)

Edit; Do you mean the thread order your viewing threads at? If so that is in your User CP. Click on your name and browse the many options you have available to you under settings.
Hes talking about the website bobby,

Thank you for the feedback. Under the form search option it's displayed as most recent post 1st, which is the reason the OP is at the bottom of the thread. Rain is our resident form junkie, if you think there are some improvements to be made, Im sure he will be happy to talk to you about what the website could use :).
Thanks guys :)

I really enjoy this forum, a lot.
Rain is our resident form junkie, if you think there are some improvements to be made, Im sure he will be happy to talk to you about what the website could use :).

LOL i would love to change the default for new users as this is the only forum I have ever been on that has last post first as the default.

But I would not change it without permission.
LOL i would love to change the default for new users as this is the only forum I have ever been on that has last post first as the default.

But I would not change it without permission.

Well I think you have it now haha.