Honestly, from what I think is going to happen is, People are going to buy BF3 with high expectations, they're going to play it for a bit and, as far as I know, there could be people that if they don't like the game when they buy it and dis like it, they might end up going back to BC2 or even BF2. I don't know? that's what I thought cause if people really want/wanted to really play BF3, then everyone has to upgrade. during times like this, who do you think is going to upgrade for BF3? I honestly think it would be half half. I'm still quite unsure tho. We'll See.
I also think that when BF3 comes out and ppl start playing it, I think we should still keep the BF2/BC2 servers still going. I have a feeling a lot of players will come back to BF2/BC2. Just my thoughts.