baserape rule

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Registered User
May 23, 2021

i was recently banned then unbanned a few days later ffor base raping. i personally disagreed with the specifics but could understand why i was kicked and banned and have avoided doing the same thing again.


i think that the rule could use a little bit of modification regarding jets versus jets in particular. ffrequently, i have found that when fighting against enemy jets they will fly back to their carrier, forcing me to turn back so i dont get banned for baserape, where they then turn around and shoot me in the back.
that seems like its a big loophole in the current rules and it has personally been very frustrating at is is compeltely within the rules.

i would propose the rule be modified to where regarding jet to jet combat, you can go into their base and shoot the planes, provided that they hadnt just spawned. obviously spawncamping them and killing them is very against the spirit of the rule and should not be allowed. however, when people are able to abuse the current rules, legally, to win basically every time as you might get banned when doing something against that is very frustrating.
there's even an auto-aa to help them out if they return to base.

i had a guy even land on his carrier, shoot passives at me while landed then scramble his jet and shoot me in the back
this is against the rules technically, but by the time you report it doesn't even matter as it's not very consoling to have someone banned when everybody does this.

in summary i think you should be able to fight back basically.

update: have been banned for saying a "racial slur"
i am not sure what slur i could have said as i did not say anything even related to race. i was arguing with some guy as a i complained about the rules, then i said i disagreed with an admin's decision, then he got an admin to ban me for supposed "racial slurs." i would like to see the chatlog in question posted that would show the supposed racial slur.

update update: am an idiot, disregard original update, i tripped the auto admin by accident
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what you said was posted in your appeal, you mis-spelled a word ending with ing
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