Battlefest Part Deux! (Read: Free BF4, Hackers?)


Registered User
Apr 23, 2014
So here we are I got an email for Battlefest Season Two.

Full Details here:

Main Draws:
  • Double XP Weekends
  • Game Time Promotion (Battlefiled 4 Free for 168 hours Via Origin)
  • Community Missions (Dog Tags)
  • Gold Battlepacks
Expecting a few more appeals. Lockers/Air/IO should see higher traffic. Is that waiting server still set for Metro?
Yeah it doesn't really matter since I don't play any FPS's anymore but I've told him in the past. He recently got into the whole CoD thing which has me a bit worried but I can't shield him forever.
Yes, COD is the devil, or at least one of his henchmen.
I'm just going keep quiet about whether a game is good or bad. Been burned about, what is it now, 7 times :D.
I'm just going keep quiet about whether a game is good or bad. Been burned about, what is it now, 7 times :D.

I think you should change your name to "He Who Shall Not Be Named" when giving an opinion about upcoming releases, given your HARBINGER OF FAIL suggestions lol

Also, the COD and Battlefield lines have become pretty damn blurred, considering the last 2 BF releases.