BBC "Future" - SR-71 article

I saw them take off from Kadena when I was stationed in Okinawa. Unbelievably cool planes.
Well shit right now I'm the guy only going 90 knots *Palm to face and slide * hahaha very cool story drone&espv=2&biw=1920&bih=955&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=FEY4VJiOBYqQNpjOgpgI&ved=0CCkQsAQ

When he talks about the 'spikes' at the front, those are the inlet nacells--at speed, they retract to allow bypass air to dump into the 'burner ( and it basically becomes a ramjet. Had the opportunity to see them run @ JPL @ Edwards back in the day, and see the NASA SR fly a few times. Fucking amazing, considering it was designed with a slide rule, navigates by stars, and is basically WWII tech.
Of course, this may or may not have been the replacement.
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To be honest, this is the real replacement:

So my favorite SR story: So Edwards Air Force Base has all sorts of crazy aircraft...basically, if it has flown and was badass, it's at Eddies. X29, F-16 Delta, UFO's, Have Blue, etc. Anywho. Eddies is basically a huge fuck-all lakebed that if you can't land on, you deserve to crash (LAX and surrounding airports can/have diverted there, as well as the space shuttle if the beer isn't cold enough in Florida). Iamjacksgame can also attest to the sheer holyfuckness of that place. Anyway, a friend of mine and I were in his jeep on our way out the front gate (12 miles of lakebed pretty much) and notice "Hey, there's the NASA SR just taking off!" Behind it were 2 chase planes (F15 C
s), basically white and neon-orange aircraft that 'chase' test aircraft to make sure shit isn't falling off of it, blah blah blah. So we basically slow to a crawl to watch, because hey, it's the SR-71. Anyway, all of a sudden the 'burner extends about 20 more feet behind it, and I swear to God, that fucker was a spec in the sky about 5 seconds later. The chase planes broke off to RTB as if "whelp, we tried to keep up but oh well."

SgtDeadRed has a pretty cool SR story as well.
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I've read Chuck Yeager's autobiography, talking about flying all these really cool X planes at Edwards. Test pilot: balls of steel.