BC2 summed up


Registered User
Oct 14, 2008
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Hehe yeah it's alright. I like the guy and watch all his reviews :-) . It's too bad he mostly reviews console games.

BC2 = 40MM, Gustav, SV98/GOL/M95, and the occasional lost medic who runs around and makes people invincible for 4-5 seconds.
You know what I got from that? Slim Jim's are XTREME like Mountain Dew and that guy has the most annoying fucking voice I've ever heard. I got through a minute of it and had to turn it off.
"Its like raspy little children are running around all the levels, letting off dry powder fire extinguishers" lol
nice ;B
spoke fast like hell, but cause he have a British accent it is easy to understand
He played single player and got his ass stomped on the mortar board? What a bitch, that alone let me know his review was so full of shit because it came from someone who sucks ass!
Wait... BC2 has single player? WHO GIVES A FLYING FUCK!
