best review of the new twilight movie ever...

You actually have to link something for us to read it, R-tard...
oh firm totally blocked me pasting the link...well ill put it in once i get home...
Look forward to seeing an awful, super-critical review of a Twilight movie.
im so glad i clicked this link. note to self dont click anything freedom pots.
Have not sen it yet, but from what I hear its the best of the series.
Boy, I will be rushing out to see this - NOT. Haven't seen any of them and not even considering it.
Boy, I will be rushing out to see this - NOT. Haven't seen any of them and not even considering it.

I read all the books, I have no desire to see some Hollywood twatted version of the story. Fuck you very much.
I read all the books, I have no desire to see some Hollywood twatted version of the story. Fuck you very much.

Uhhhh.... WHY? Twilight has no literary value. It's cheap writing that preys on the underdeveloped psyches of squealing teenage fan-girls and grown women who haven't advanced past the 'I think he likes me pass my note' phase. Yeah... I think I'll pass.