BF BC2 Weapons


Registered User
Aug 24, 2009
I play mainly assault and a bit of recon. I have only been online in BC2 for >16 hours and already have every single assault/recon unlock. So here is what I think. THIS IS JUST MY .02 cents. There are no facts here just what I think about the weapons.

Recon: M24 is the best sniper period (second best rifle). All the other additional unlocks are utterly useless. Seriously except with maybe the M95 but if you compare the M95 to the M24 they are practically identical. M24 is more accurate while the M95 is more powerful. However it still takes 2 shots to drop a fool so the extra power... USELESS.

AEK-971 - is a good powerful rifle but uncontrollable.
XM8 Prototype - is the third best rifle in the game. Fully automatic with a HUGE punch. Not to mention the accuracy is insane. I have picked off snipers with this thing.
F2000 - Fires to fast, shit accuracy, and does no damage. Takes nearly 20 shots to drop someone. An unbalanced useless piece of shit.
STG.77 AUG - Does a little more damage than the F2000 and has a little more accuracy while maintaining the same RPM. A little better than the F2000 but the XM8 is still better.
AN-94 Abakan - 2 shot burst. HUGE STOPPING POWER. Pin point accuracy at any range. Decent RPM. I would rate this rifle the BEST weapon in the game.
M416 - Fully automatic. Does a little less damage than the AN-94 Abakan and also has lower accuracy. Good alternative to the AN-94 if you want something automatic.
M16A2 - 3 shot burst, does no damage and OK accuracy(should be better for burst). Use the XM8 Prototype over this weapon. Extremely disappointing gun to fire as well.

The reason I put the M24 as second best is because an AN-94 Abakan soldier with a red dot can pick off a M24 sniper. Doesn't matter what range its at. The AN-94 is pin point accurate at any range.
Anyone else thing that the game is too... Easy...
PKM - good stopping power at long distance
M-249 - high rate of fire, good for supression fire
T-88LMG - this is something between PKM and M-249, its a good weapon at middle distance
M-60 - well, this is ROCK, incredable stopping power at long distance and recoil, this is sit-then-fire weapon only
XM-8LMG - improved version of M-249, but G-36LMG better
G-36LMG - improved version of XM-8LMG, it have very nice default scope, accuracy is alsou good, i think this is best LMG in game
MG-3 - modern version of MG-42, best WW2 machinegun, well... low stopping power and recoil, take x4 scope, find good position, and enjoy 1000 rounds per minute, this weapon can kill everybody and everywere, becouse its just impossible to hide wen this thin firing at you. as MG-42, this weapon can be called saw for it very high rate of fire
My Favorites by far are G-36LMG and for assault wep. M416, best damn guns in entire fucking game.
Not true at all. It has the highest accuracy of any assault rifle in the game, but a little less stopping power than the AUG. But, the three round burst makes up for this. I rarely need more than 2 bursts per target sighting in.

I really don't believe its any more accurate than the AN-94. When you first the burst its all over the place.
I really don't believe its any more accurate than the AN-94

I haven't noticed that, and according to DICE it is the most accurate assault rifle in the lineup. But, that's why everybody likes a different gun since some work better for one person and not another.