BF$ Metro High Ping Amnesty


Registered User
Dec 29, 2020
HI TBGians
Is there a way I can get an amnesty (don't kick) high ping Av210 in BF4 Metro Pls?
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So that's a firm NO *shrugs
I think your original post just got overlooked- it happens as we can be busy- sorry for that.

Our ping limit for BF4 during prime hours is set to 180 as it keeps servers full and enjoyable. It increases during non-peak hours, but we'll take a look.
appreciate you responding to my request and looking into a possible relaxation to the threshold
Been getting used to BF4 in the Aussie servers, unfortunately, none of the 3 to choose from do Metro :-( and I get ping kicked off any of the US servers ......I'm having Metro withdrawals......
This is from another post, another Aussie requesting to play on one of your servers...and Matts' reply below....
Is this something that could help with my lil issue?
After a quick discussion, we can whitelist to one server only for you. Whichever you will frequent the most. Thanks