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I'm thinking about this too hard.
4 expansions @ ?14.99 each = ?59.96
Premium @ ?39.99 = ?39.99
Looks like I save myself twenty quid overall.
Then there's the other benefits of Premium to consider:
2 weeks' early access
Exclusive dogtags
New weapon and soldier camos
ACB-90 Knife
Reset Stats ability
Double XP events
"other" exclusive Premium Only events
Strategy Guides
Queue Priority
Exclusive assignments
Exclusive Battlelog Profile page theme
I really don't give a cock about 2 weeks' early access. I'm a grown up and I can wait. Same for the dogtags and the camos. The knife is a different story - Is it a re-skin, or will it have an in-game effect? Quicker takedowns, more damage, etc? I doubt it but I wouldn't put it past EA to try something so stupid. I don't want to reset my stats unless I can un-reset them, double XP events only appeal to the OCD-Pok?mon-isthefridgelightoff side of my personality, and I'm not interested in the "other" events until I know what they are. Developers' strategy guides are always, without exception, uselessly short things full of tips like "try to get on your opponent's tail in air-to-air combat" and "some walls can be destroyed - take care if you decide to hide there!". Queue priority could be useful but I doubt I'd even notice whether I had it or not. The assignments only get you the dogtags (I checked) and the battlelog theme can go fuck itself. Who the hell looks at someone else's Battlelog profile anyway?
We have to consider the opportunity cost of the extra ?25 I'm paying today. Being me, I'd only spend it on beer, porn and fags. It certainly won't earn any interest.
Here's what scares me:

Premium-only servers. What the fuck? Who runs these things? What server admin only wants BFP owners in there? Are they trying to create a two-tier game? Will there be a Premium Plus, Premium Gold, Premium Dogshit released alongside each forthcoming expansion? I have no idea what EA's trying to do here.
So, will I but all 4 expansions? Probably. I'm that kind of person. Aw fuck, I didn't need to do all that analysis.

4 expansions @ ?14.99 each = ?59.96
Premium @ ?39.99 = ?39.99
Looks like I save myself twenty quid overall.
Then there's the other benefits of Premium to consider:
2 weeks' early access
Exclusive dogtags
New weapon and soldier camos
ACB-90 Knife
Reset Stats ability
Double XP events
"other" exclusive Premium Only events
Strategy Guides
Queue Priority
Exclusive assignments
Exclusive Battlelog Profile page theme
I really don't give a cock about 2 weeks' early access. I'm a grown up and I can wait. Same for the dogtags and the camos. The knife is a different story - Is it a re-skin, or will it have an in-game effect? Quicker takedowns, more damage, etc? I doubt it but I wouldn't put it past EA to try something so stupid. I don't want to reset my stats unless I can un-reset them, double XP events only appeal to the OCD-Pok?mon-isthefridgelightoff side of my personality, and I'm not interested in the "other" events until I know what they are. Developers' strategy guides are always, without exception, uselessly short things full of tips like "try to get on your opponent's tail in air-to-air combat" and "some walls can be destroyed - take care if you decide to hide there!". Queue priority could be useful but I doubt I'd even notice whether I had it or not. The assignments only get you the dogtags (I checked) and the battlelog theme can go fuck itself. Who the hell looks at someone else's Battlelog profile anyway?
We have to consider the opportunity cost of the extra ?25 I'm paying today. Being me, I'd only spend it on beer, porn and fags. It certainly won't earn any interest.
Here's what scares me:

Premium-only servers. What the fuck? Who runs these things? What server admin only wants BFP owners in there? Are they trying to create a two-tier game? Will there be a Premium Plus, Premium Gold, Premium Dogshit released alongside each forthcoming expansion? I have no idea what EA's trying to do here.
So, will I but all 4 expansions? Probably. I'm that kind of person. Aw fuck, I didn't need to do all that analysis.