BF4 crashing on AMD 14.1 Drivers


Registered User
Jun 27, 2012
Anyone else having problems? In every game I play I get some kind of flicker that comes across the screen every few minutes.

In BF4, I can play for about 8-9 minutes and then the game just stops and freezes in the last frame I was in, if I Alt- Tab is goes back to a while screen and I have to end with Task Manager. Still running, just no display what so ever.
damn that is funny that on the battle log page if you scroll down, AMD is hardware partner for dice/ea
The 14.1 drivers are probably the worst drivers I've seen for a video card ever, beta or not.

Installing them cut 20% FPS from the Just Cause 2 city benchmark, and scrypt mining perf. was less than half. Didn't really care to test anything beyond that.

I'm not sure how they perform in BF nor do I care. It's pretty obvious that they rushed them unfinished because EA wouldn't put up with the delay anymore. Mantle was supposed to be released in December, that's about two months ago now.

Maybe about 14.3 they'll have about half the glitches addressed, probably peaking around 75% at release.
I would agree... If anything my FPS has dropped with Mantle. I think I'm going to revert back to 13.12

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