BFBC2 install troubleshooting


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
Ok, I installed and told it to authenticate via online. When I did this the auto updater did not install and when I started the game there were only 8 servers listed in the browser. Also, my weapons unlock code did not work.

I uninstalled and reinstalled telling it to authenticate via disc this time and the auto updater installed. I'm hoping, for whatever reason, that the browser now works and the weapons unlock code works too. So far it looks promising since I'm downloading the game updates.

If anybody runs into this problem, this might help. Let me know.
Yea, see I don't have that problem.....cause my shit is still in the F-N mail.......
Same problem I encountered after installing, reinstalled and still cannot play the game except in single player. Cannot connect to to the EA server. I presume it's mainly network congestion for day one release.
Since I didn't read this first and had the same issue... I simply ran the updater from the folder and it seems to be working so far.
I simply ran the updater from the folder and it seems to be working so far.

That's exactly what you need to do before it will allow you to play multiplayer. BTW-the first time I installed and told it do authenticate online the autoupdater was not included in my program files.

Long story the autoupdater right off the bat after installing and it will download an update letting you play online
Thi isi strange, I can't even run the updater! It just loads the game with no login screen. How the hell am i supposed to connect if I cannot log in?
Go to your program files/EA/BC2 folder and run the auto-updater manually. I made a shortcut on my desktop for the auto updater. After it finishes, then you can run your game normally.
Yes but the differance was I authenticated online then updated. I guess it installed the updater where yours did not? Who knows what I did right/wrong but it seemed to work!
Solved the issue, good ole 2142 would not connect, so I traced it back to some netsh something or other settings an IT tech ay work suggested. Updating now and hopefully that fixed it.