BFH: Experiences

60-125 soldier health are max for the server to remain ranked. We had it set to default 100 for bfh so I increased to 125 to play similarly to our bf4 servers.
WAYYYYYYYYY too much RPG action in hotwire. It's cool to get, but there is way too much rpg.

I really dislike the RPG7v2 being available as a trunk weapon. IMO this should be a pickup only. Its bad enough with all the laser tripmines and breech charges.

Also what's the deal with these being heat seeking? I just got killed 4 times in a row piloting a helocoptor and each time there was a lock and fire warning tone. 3 of the times were from the same guy. Okay granted I know these shots aren't impossible but I wasn't exactly flying low either. I usually tend to stay high and fast to keep up with the hotwired vehicle I'm chasing.
tracer darts, i know they work, havent used them, but ive seen people asking others to tracer choppers
That's way too OP. The flares don't even break the lock. I guess when more people find out its going to impossible to stay alive in a vehicle for more than a few minutes. I hope these don't rearm with ammo crates.
The flares don't even break the lock.

It's one of my gripes about Frostbite 3, in BF4 the ECM/flares don't always work. Since Hardline uses the same engine it has that same glitch. In both Hardline beta's I also experienced random chatbox lag. I'm on a Frostbite 3 boycott haha fuck Hardline and Battlefront, the engine has e-cancer
I really dislike the RPG7v2 being available as a trunk weapon. IMO this should be a pickup only.

Pardon my drunkness, what I said before was true but wasn't relevant to your comment. I know other people agree with you, so it's highly possible it will be a pickup. Especially for the Hotwire game mode
It is a pickup. However its also available as a trunk item, which is a new pickup type in Hardline. Basically a player can choose this as a weapon unlock and they have it in their trunk to pull out whenever they want.
Bought BFH from G2A and redeemed it on origin... So far hasn't showed up in my library but ive heard that it will show in like 30 mins to an hour :/

Really wanted to get it downloaded and start playing but looks like im going to have to wait.
Just to let everyone know i have decided not to join in the clan i did enjoy my time here but i feel
that maybe i would'nt get to be a recriut after been here for while.
I guess i should explain further been around since jan 27 2015 and well out side of Joel
i have came on saturday afternoon (yesterday) and ask if any one could hear me on TS no reply with 3 members on and a Head admin says yea we hear you .i am not popular and maybe i take it the wrong way. joining the clan was my goal and i did enjoy being here in life has been a
not very good to me but coming here i felt a chance meet new people who share the love of battlefield games i have issue cause people to this day want to make sure i can't have a life or friends i thought i would not let them beat me again. anyway hope you will still let me come on ts now and then...
Chase196382 aka Dan
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They are releasing a weapon patch. Not sure what the fixes will be.

Just more things I've noticed and tbh not that bad of a game for a new launched one. DICE should take notes or maybe let Visceral Games develop BF5. I mean these guys basically took BF4 software and coding and modded into their own creating less bugs.
Overall, if you like infantry only you will like hardline. There are quite a bit of vehicles but mostly transport vehicles. The passenger can also stick his head out the window (pressing Z). Some light armored vehicles. There is an attack chopper but not all maps have it. Im not sure if they will fix it but the game plays like hardcore ATM even on normal. What this means is up close 3-4 shots you are dead, medium to long range 5 shots minimum you are dead, prefer this way. Hardcore I guess plays the same way but not HUD.

Classes work differently, for one you earn money and buy whatever the hell it is you want instead going up the ladder which I like. Some weapons are way more expensive than others. RPG's as mention come with in a vehicle. (perk you must buy/unlock) The best anti vehicle weapon is the grenade launcher and the engineer is only allowed to have it. Operator which is assault in bf4 is simply a medic but you could buy zip line grappling hook etc..

The map that plays like metro/locker would be the apartment one.

When I go back to BF4, I keep crashing to desktop every other round. Retarded. I had 0 issues with BFH

And load time for map reload is much faster than BF4.

Characters do swear, I can see why some people were bitching but really the game is rated M. Grow a pair.

That sums it up so far for me.
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Thanks for the info fasty. BFH is on sale today, so tempted but not sure it's with it yet.
np the game is not as in depth than BF4, maybe that will change with patches. Definitely not bad of a game like many have said it would be.
np the game is not as in depth than BF4, maybe that will change with patches. Definitely not bad of a game like many have said it would be.

Fasty, for you and you alone I gave into the sale the other price reducers I had on hand. Maybe see you online today sometime.
nice! Im in there with @KevinT144 and @Vordar just finished playing the apartment block one the youtube video on top. I was blowing ppl out of their socks with my grenade launcher. Im talking about 5-6 kills with one explosion lol.

do we have our reserve slots setup? our servers seem to be staying populated and i seem to be waiting in line
we do have reserve slot working. I dont think you are on that list. Bump that reserve slot list in private section
Reserve doesnt work on EA mode, does it?

Its no longer EA mode since saturday morning. Admin, racials filter and reserve slot should all be working.

Bump that thread in private with your full alias and I can add you.