Bought myself a Video card - GTX 660 TI - $230


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Seems like a good deal, thats all ill need,

Thanks for the tips guys.
My graphics card is the only thing im bottle necked on haha.
You're now that much closer to a true gaming experience ^_^
Edit: If I could afford it, I'd pimp my computer so that it could run everything (games, apps, any graphic enhancements, ect) at full settings, for anything they could come up with, for in the next 1-2years.
Well running I7 3770 , 16Gb Ram, SSD, 560ti right now, so its pretty close haha.

Just need the extra boost to help with my video stuff :D, and i want to run things on max and still have 100fps.
Let me know how much of a difference you see between the 560ti and the 660ti. I'm curious as I am also running a 560ti superclocked.
When you take numbers into it, their should be a HUGE difference but ill let you know directly :D
Ah lol, better system then I have.
<-Amd Radeon HD 6800 (oops); looking at GTX 670 for when I'm not broke, or my birthday.
what brand did you get?

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