No shit, my truck just had to go back to the lease company for the regen system. DEF and Regen are basically the same thing, and they have trashed the engine industry. Cat said fuck it and stopped making truck motors altogether, and they were the BEST. The regen/DEF system does make these things run hot as fuck, my engine fan is running more than 50% of the time my engine is running. Tons of heat, you have to keep the DEF tank full, you have to maintain engine speed to do a regen, it's a fucking nightmare. Luckily there are still a few older trucks around without the DEF system but they are becoming more and more rare. The government could fuck up a wet dream, mandating Ethanol is garbage too, most manufacturers won't even cover engine damage if you run ethanol because engines aren't built for it. Where I live we have a bunch of gas stations that have big signs "NO ETHANOL" and people make a point of fueling up there. Catalytic converters are the same trainwreck, they generate shitloads of heat, your engine has to run lean to keep them from cooking themselves and running lean makes your motor run hot. Not the end of the world in a car with a liquid cooling system but if you run an aircooled engine like my Harley it takes years off your engine's life when operating properly or improperly for that matter.