Can Close Quarters DLC be included in DLC rotation on BF3 server?


Registered User
May 19, 2018
Can Close Quarters DLC be included in DLC rotation on BF3 server?

Seems to be a strong bias in the server to vote for infantry maps, to the point of vanilla maps often winning votes on DLC weekends. Seems like it'd be a win/win for most if Close Quarters DLC could be added during the time DLC is active. I'd much rather play a bit of Ziba Tower, Donya Fortress, etc than Metro after Metro.

Can Close Quarters DLC be included in DLC rotation on BF3 server?

Seems to be a strong bias in the server to vote for infantry maps, to the point of vanilla maps often winning votes on DLC weekends. Seems like it'd be a win/win for most if Close Quarters DLC could be added during the time DLC is active. I'd much rather play a bit of Ziba Tower, Donya Fortress, etc than Metro after Metro.

I plus on this statement, surprisingly enough there are still newer players joining in the fun on BF3, and some of them will be struck out when it comes to unlocking the DLC weapons.
Close quarters maps were added last weekend to the rotation for the first time, so far no traffic issues so will continue to have them on during the weekends.
Thanks guys. CQ seems to be working well. TDM on those maps takes about 8 mins a game, so they rotate through pretty quick.