
Yeah an S4 might be your best bet. the Price of gently used ones have gone down dramatically since the announcement of the S5. Not planning on switching from my S4 as it is fantastic.
Fuck, get it from Amazon. Like Soldier said, I don't want a phablet so I when I got mine I went to Amazon and literally paid $1.00 for my LG whatever the fuck it is I have G. It was 6 months old at the time I bought it and the new and shiny came out and yes, I paid $1.00 with a 2 year contract with AT&fuck me.

That said, you can find good deals on Amazon if you look. The S4 with contracts right now at Amazon are "selling" for $0.01

I just went through this two weeks ago Frank, I have been eligible for an upgrade with Verizon for almost two years but they won't give me one unless I dump my unlimited data plan. Fuck them, I just paid full freight($800) for a new Samsung Note 3 and kept my plan. I've been paying $125/mo. for 4 years and now that the phones and networks have advanced to the point I can justify that bill they are trying to force me out of it? I don't think so. I've had my phone for 3 weeks and I've used 15.51 gigs of data so far, and I plan on raping that network for every byte of data I have the time to squeeze out of it. I will make that full price phone and 4 years of grossly overpriced plan worth every penny before the summer is over. The Note 3 has a big screen and it's 1920x1080 so Netflix is awesome on it.

hell yeah! but here's what bothers me: cell phone have a nifty little feature that you have to ask "why did they give us this?" the ability to connect to wireless networks, access the internet without using any of your data. a lot of people i know that have the standard 2gb of data which is most of us, WAIT FOR WIFI TO CONNECT TO THE INTERNET so as to not use their data and go over the 2gb cap. wow! win win for the carrier; you use your phone and put little to no stress on their network. paying for a service we avoid using? that's what a lot of people do, and those people out there who still have unlimited data are forced to think about buying their phones at full price. they win again. and then the ever present stories of the carriers throttling your internet access if you start using "to much." i believe if we could prove in a court of law that they throttle our access when we use "to much" a class action law suit would probably happen. most people love their cell phone's and couldn't imagine living without it, so basically they got us by the short hairs any way you slice it. i support and agree with you 100% use the shiz out of their network and get your monies worth hell yes i say and if you have the ability to be a hot spot DO IT! we have to strike back at these arseholes at every turn because they are bending us over every minute of every day.
Well shoot I got me a smart like cellular device from that guy at the truck stop....it does text message thing.(redneck voice)
Bloatware is a MAJOR problem with every Android I've ever owned. I can't delete dozens of programs that I have zero interest in and will never use on my Android. It's been like that since I started with Androids almost 5 years ago.
Cplmac look into cyanogenmod. It's just a basic Android load with very little added. They've even made a Windows installer for a lot of newer phones so it's easier to setup than it used to be. Cyanogenmod.org is the website. You can also try use the ROM Manager app from the PlayStore to load it. And if you're really into customizing it after you get it loaded check out the ROM Toolbox app.
Soldier is correct. CyanogenMod is the shit.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Bloatware is a MAJOR problem with every Android I've ever owned. I can't delete dozens of programs that I have zero interest in and will never use on my Android. It's been like that since I started with Androids almost 5 years ago.

look into rooting your phone, you should then be able to delete all those apps that you (or anybody) don't want.
'and you also can't talk to anyone on T mobile because their infrastructure is worse than Altell. Loll.

You have to account for the fact that if you have Altell in your area it means your states network coverage is garbage period.

T-Mobile in Maryland for example is fucking excellent. Always has been. However if you travel better get Verizon. When I go to North Carolina which funny enough has Alltell. Out in the fields I get 2G if at all for TMo 3G for ATT and Sprint but Verizon has LTE there in the middle of no where. Now most carriers don't support voice over LTE anyways so voice will be over 2G/3G.

I've heard some people complain about T-Mobile in buildings. However I can chill out in a freezer which is inside of another refrigerator and I still get great HSPA reception for voice or hell team speak. Some areas of each network have implemented different frequencies and lower is better for material penetration.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
Shit Sid before they started really spreading out that 4G network my old Thunderbolt would run the battery to nothing just searching for 4G if you had 4G turned on. Now that the 4G networks are pretty much everywhere with people that problem is all but gone. Frank the throttling thing is still going on with some ISP's. A major New York ISP just reached a settlement with Netflix, I want to say it was Time Warner or FIOS but they were throttling down all network traffic to Netflix to the extent that their customers had degraded service with Netflix. They basically forced Netflix to agree to pay them a fee for their traffic. Really bad precedent, now all ISP's are going to put Netflix over a barrel and stick in their ass which means the price of Netflix is getting ready to go up. One other "minor" detail about that Netflix issue, the ISP that was doing that holds a 50% ownership stake in Red Box...
@cplmac The only provider that Netflix has a deal with is Comcast. As far as redbox goes I never heard any such thing. Verizon has a streaming deal with them but I didn't see any investments into the company that actually runs them which was formerly coinstar. They bought the majority shares from McDonalds.

Broadband internet has ALWAYS been throttled its nothing new, its just the last few years every day consumers now use services that are now individually targeted due to being much worse than the rest of their traffic. No home internet providor is capable of providing the advertised speeds to all customers simultaneously. Caps are to encourage people to control themselves without actually telling people when they can use it. Quality of service throttling ensures a node isn't overloaded. Without it your experience could actually turn very ugly. There is a difference in throttling all traffic on a customer and targeting a specific service. Thats what is actually happening as far as Netflix, Hulu, YouTube and Torrents etc. It seems wrong but at the same time its actually of benefit that other things aren't being slowed as much. It could come down to the fact that it could cost Netflix or Hulu a customer as being wrong rather than the customer themselves being wronged. As companies like Netflix or Hulu can wage a war the customers couldn't afford to do themselves.

Whats actually going to happen when Net Neutrality of some sort kicks in is advertised speeds are going to go way down. Not speed up. I can either guarantee you this speed all the time and hard cap you there just to be a dick or I can promise you occasionally getting this speed while throttling you to make sure everyone else gets their fair share.

Speed Tests are also pretty useless in determining wether your ISP is delivering on promised speeds. The tests typically transfer less data than the ISP starts throttling for. One ISP might not throttle until you hit 50 MB of a download. That way you get quick speeds on small transfers but it also makes speed tests look better. The faster your connection is the more it will use on some tests.
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Whats actually going to happen when Net Neutrality of some sort kicks in is advertised speeds are going to go way down. Not speed up. I can either guarantee you this speed all the time and hard cap you there just to be a dick or I can promise you occasionally getting this speed while throttling you to make sure everyone else gets their fair share.

This is the one of the easiest and best explanations I've heard against net neutrality.
Here is the next: When the GOVERNMENT starts regulating and controlling things - it goes to shit and results in worse service available to people. Is it more "fair" ? Guess it depends on your definition of fair. The internet is a luxury - one that I work hard to pay for a quality connection (never thought I'd say that about a Comcast product). I personally don't think that $70 per month is unreasonable for a 100-150mb connection, with low (20-30ms) pings and little jitter. I don't run into any issues with steam downloads being throttled, or torrents for that matter.
Its alright Doc you know the fun part is detecting throttling on cell phone providers :p Rumor has it T-Mobile has noticeable throttling on huge downloads. But I get insane speed tests over LTE all day long. Wireless connections of the sort never have a real gaurunteed performance either. Between conditions and saturation your results vary too much to even be able to measure the rest accurately. When I was on Sprint and WiMax still worked worth a damn I always got 1.48 to 1.5 Mbps on upload and you could tell they had a fixed throttle on upload. To make matters worse newer versions of android and the OEM builds with them had speed issues with WiMax. Never knew if they had started throttling the download speed to a hard amount or not. Started out 15 Mbps, then 8 Mbps even after speed patches and then to 4 Mbps all day long.

As far as Comcast goes I have great service with them here and while I call it invalid my speedtests are always consistent. I hear people for example in virginia complain alot and it seems some areas have it bad. Some people complaining they never know what their ping is going to be. As far as real world performance my upload is usually half of what a speed test says it is. Ill get 2 of the 4 Mbps when uploading a youtube video but this could always be Youtube. When I upload a phone backup over LTE which speedtests 20 Mbps I usually get about 5 Mbps. On unlimited plans I would rather upload with my LTE rather than using the wifi.
Don't buy the EVO 3D. Or any other android with the dual core 2.2 cpu. Eats up battery time in no time and the thing is always died when I need it most.

Evo 3D is pretty old in android terms. Its only 2.5 years old so its still servicable and was probably still available a year ago. But no one would buy one on purpose in 2014. Any amount of research would tell the horror stories of owners from the laymen all the way up to the custom rom developer. It was a neat idea that HTC did not pull off. Flag ships come out about every 8 months, old flag ships usually dissapear from their main channel after 2 years. I had a good laugh when my father asked why I didn't get the phone he had. Its about the same age.