clean up ingame scrolling info


Registered User
May 31, 2009
I told a couple people how to do this figured I would post it for the est of you. In 2142 you know how it tells you in the chat text "they have taken silo 2" "medic" etc all that stuff you dont need to see because you hear it anyways. Well you can turn that chat off. You can also turn off typed chat and the kill messages. I leave those both on that way it lets me see when someone dies close to me I know someone is coming. Others like to turn the kill messages off also though so I will show you where all these settings are. This is for WINDOWS XP so if your using something else I don't know the exact file location but I am sure from this you can figure it out. Under MY DOCUMENTS/BF2142/PROFILES/0001 there is a file named general.con do a search for setradiomessagesfilter next to it you will see a 1 change that 1 to a 0 and no longer will you see all the text for the silos taken and people crying for medics. If you look above this option you will see setkillmessagefilter 1 if you make that a 0 it will remove the kill messages like xxx scar11 xxxx then below you see the option chatmessages filter if you make that 0 it removes all chat.

The profile 0001 is the first character you made for bf2142 so if you are no longer playing that profile simply change the general.con in the profile which you are playing on i.e. 0002 0003 or simply edit one and copy it to all the profile numbers and all your characters will have the settings.
ty choter i never watch the chat stuff because i cant read it quick enough with all the garbage. and in vista its pretty much the same place, DOCUMENTS/BATTLEFIELD 2142/PROFILES/0001