close quarters server


Registered User
Aug 24, 2011
does anyone have an idea why someone cant switch even if the teams are unbalanced 2 or 3 short on one side, or for that matter if someone wants to be on the other team. u cant even do they old fashoned leave and come back to get with your friends. its like once your on a team your stuck there untill u leave for a while. it doesnt seem like its rank based because most of the time its full birds or better in there. Also it randomly changes team members even if the are in a squad and if the server has even teams. for example sunday night it was myself balls chuck sixer and red and every round at least one or more of us would get switched to the other team for no apparent reason. as i am new here i dont want to seem like im complaining more just curious. as far as i can tell its the only server that does it.
Actually almost all servers other pubs don't allow this. There was an update with the plugin that enabled a feature automatically. Try now.
Almost all servers don't allow you to change sides...ever? I've never seen that in any other server but our CQ
no I am responding to this
someone cant switch even if the teams are unbalanced 2 or 3 short on one side

Even if it is unbalanced, as far as i remember it won't let you switch again if you already switched. Says "you changed teams too often" or something.

In any case, try now and see if its back the old way.
Fast, listen closely because what you just described is NOT the problem.

Our CQ server will NEVER let me switch sides no matter how lopsided the teams are, and not even 1 time. It does not allow players to switch sides. This happened to me, Normie, and a few others that I've heard.
I mentioned above i think it was auto update on the balancer and it enabled a new feature on its own for some reason. Give it a try when you have a moment.
Well, this update on the balancer is broken. How many times would you like me to try? I've tried every time I've been in there just to see if it works, which it does not. I have not tried this today, but so far it is a broken balancer.
Let me know when you have tried today. Tartu had same issue, i disabled whatever it was and said it was fine. I am assuming this must be the same problem. It was the only server i forgot to disable so it looks that way.

If its broken then that sucks for us because it is the same we have been using for months
That's what gets me; how does this thing work fine for so long and the all of a sudden not? It's worse than my wife, and that says a lot.