computer stores are evil


Registered User
Oct 19, 2008
ffs haveing to pay 80 bucks just to tell me whats wrong with the dam thing lolz
it wasnt the power supply the mobo was fried.. = (
going to be longer before i get back but i'm not totally dead lol anyway yea sucks not haveing a computer at home

anyone else hate bestbuy?
Should've gone to a friend or something... I'd feel raped personally paying 80 bucks for someone to tell me my mobo's dead... but it's all done and in the past now for you anyway.
Yea you could have asked me and I could have told you your mobo was fried and only charged you $40! JK bro, you can always as us on the forums and we will do what we can to assist you.
We do have quite a few Tech-savvy people here in TBG :).
I fucking hate Best Buy. They are the most over priced piece of shit store on the face of the planet. Where else can you build a $1300 computer for $2900? Or buy a $150 car amplifier for $350. Biggest fucking ripoffs ever.......they should really go fuck themselves. They make their living on the uneducated consumer, don't be that guy.
I cant go to my best buy anymore. I bought my 42" lcd tv 120hz worth 1400$ for only 500$, I gotta give them some love to... >:D
Felix, aren't you in the Atlanta area? If so go to MicroCenter -- they will match on line prices for their components. Six and I both got the i7 920 there for $199.00. It is a loss leader but the other components are on par with e-tailers and you get the added benefit of a store front where you can return items or browse. And definitely use the forums -- the answer is often found within. Just don't get mesmerized by sixer's avatars.
Best Buy can lick my balls; so overpriced. Best Buy targets impulse buyers who cannot wait a couple days. Microcenter is the shit; I always stop in while flying into Detroit or Chicago. Does anybody else know stores that are similar?
Microcenter website only shows 4 Intel processors. No AMD. I know the store has more then the website shows. I went there yesterday.
If you don't select a store, you won't see all of Microcenter's stock. For example, if I select the GA store near me it shows 17 Penom 965's, 8 Phenom 955s, 11 Phenom 720's etc.
Btw, balls, your sig is way to big :(.
Someting else is big too; just ask Fasty