Console MMO gaming: (ps4)


Registered User
Sep 2, 2012
Guys, I hate console gaming, but the kid got a PS4 for xmas, and he wants to start doing some online gaming.

Anyone know of some sites/links that I can do some research as far as hosting games and bandwidth? Also, capabilities of what the PS4 streaming shit can do?

Main thing is parental control, if I can police up some of the sysytems default multiplayer settings?

I am newby with console gaming, so any references/guidance would be appreciated (as he is on my IP address and likes to google cheats for games...though I have explained to him on numerous occasions how bad that is and my situation and what would happen if he is caught cheating while playin online games).
Keep cheats limited to single-player play. There are lots of cheats you even unlock via gameplay.

I am so far out of the console game I cannot give you much help. Though Sony has a few Subscription services that will keep the games coming in without breaking the bank entirely.
Cheats codes for console single player games are no problem. What do you mean hosting games and bandwidth? Like matchmaking based games where one person ends up as the host?
Keep cheats limited to single-player play. There are lots of cheats you even unlock via gameplay.

I am so far out of the console game I cannot give you much help. Though Sony has a few Subscription services that will keep the games coming in without breaking the bank entirely.
thanks bungied, will check it out this evening. I am not paying for shit....He has allowance....I told him the plans of subscription, sooo.
Cheats codes for console single player games are no problem. What do you mean hosting games and bandwidth? Like matchmaking based games where one person ends up as the host?
matchmaking and creating games. PS4 is hooked up wireless.
Shouldn't be a problem, unless the wifi is flaky. I haven't checked any of the parental stuff on my PS4 yet, I'll see what i can find tomorrow perhaps.
PS plus has been nice for the free games each month, and you need it for most multiplier matchmaking for games.
last I had to do with console was a PS2 Tiger woods baby. but single player can use the cheat codes as far as online im guessing those are purchased mods for the game itself. what game is he playing since u titled this with MMO
the only reason I bring cheats into if he applies it to MMO games....and gets caught..its on my IP! (i think right?)
No. The kinds of cheats he is talking about are like teh cheat codes we had as kids for nintendo.

Online game cheats would require third party software, which I doubt you'd let him get his hands on.

Online game cheats would require third party software, which I doubt you'd let him get his hands on.
I guess you gotta pay for them too. But kids are smart these days when it comes to electronics, or at least google/youtube will endow the title of "genius". I cant monitor him 24/7 when it comes to internet usage, only thing I can do is set parental controls and hope for the best. When I first got back from Afghanistan and upgraded the interwebs, I was taking some hits in quality, to check on him with like 8 tabs of streaming youtube videos up. Needless to say I nipped that shit REAL QUICK!
LOL. Gotta setup QoS and get some web filtering for his computer.
The ESRB will tell you the kinds of things that can be seen in these games. I really wouldn't worry about him hacking. In the end it's not great when it comes to the console experience.
Yeah, console hacking is pretty hard without a hardware mod and software flashing. Even then it wouldn't tie to your PB trail at all, because console doesn't use it.
LOL. Gotta setup QoS and get some web filtering for his computer.
his moms laptop, she wont let me fuck with it that much other than to answer questions and to troubleshoot it when something goes wrong. As far as the parental control, she's got it on lock down.

The ESRB will tell you the kinds of things that can be seen in these games.
ESRB isnt shit when you get these racist little 12 year olds spouting off at the mouth on the voice comms.
I advised the wife against letting him play GTA 5...Her response, " Cant shelter him from bad stuff forever". not even 2 weeks later....."I dont want him playing that game."
I sooooo wanted to tell her I told you so, but I held my tongue. haha. (dont like to get between mama bear and her cub)

I guess the main thing I wanted to know with settings and shit, was the Live Streaming shit that comes default, hosting games(if it makes a difference in bandwidth), and purchases/downloads and what not. I would like to get it set up where you need a password to install/download/stream/internet browser to be more specific.
This might be novice level shit to someone who knows there way around the Playstations these days, but I am rookie at best. I know how to set up interweb connection, put in a game/movie and play it..that is about it.
all this and for the same money coulda just built him a pc and plugged a controller in