Ah that explains the RAM showing up as 1333 when it's actually 1866. I played a few minutes of BF3, went from 7-10 fps at the lowest possible video settings to 60-80 fps with maxed out video settings. I can't believe how much easier it is to TV missile now, fucking night and day. Unfortunately I have a stability issue, BF3 crashes on me after a few minutes. I'm getting a message form Origin that I need to update my video card driver so I'm updating it right now. My keyboard also shit the bed while I was installing windows. Went with a dirt cheap corded Logitech keyboard and I fucking hate it already. once I get windows updated and everything else up to speed on my system I will start playing around with overclocking. First on the list is getting my RAM up to its nominal speed. Then I might dick around with the CPU clock, I'm thinking I don't need to but I might just to see how solid this setup is. Six, I'll post pics, but keep in mind I'm using the same Antec case I've had since 2005 and it shows. This isn't a pretty rebuild, it's much more of a sleeper. I might build a custom case if I can find the right thing to use as a model. Also, this machine is WHISPER quiet. The SSD makes zero noise and barely even gets warm, the CPU fan is also very quiet. LOVE IT so far.