Creators strive for emotion in making 'Battlefield 3'

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We actually wanted to move the genre forward by creating deeper emotions, more physical presence in the world ... the most sophisticated 'Battlefield' experience (yet)," he said.

Bach said the single-player narrative will immerse players both physically and mentally in the game's characters. There is also another story for the game's multiplayer action that he thinks will get people talking with their friends.

Test players say, "This game gives me a completely new feeling when I play it, but can't really pick out why.' I think that's our biggest win."

Most sophisticated battlefield ever?? bullshit. Ill believe that when I see it. I am all for fan immersion, but I am calling shenanigans on this one. A solid story takes some serious devotion to crank out. Look at how well mass effect put their game together, and that's why people love it. The truth is DICE, you will not be able to capture the emotions that you get as a soldier, because those things cannot be reproduced. continue to promise things you cannot deliver you are loosing more and more fans for every ounce of rhertoric you talk to interviewers about.
Want to talk about 'emotions' and 'immersion'? Play ARMA 2: OA. It's a sim, but it's fun as hell with the right group of people.