Crysis 2 the game to change it all


Registered User
Nov 24, 2009
Found some bad ass videos. Though I would share..Why cant this game be here now..whimpering..

Second Video is amazing how close real life looks in game.

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Who choose the music? Fire him, otherwise looks cool...........
I wonder if the gameplay will be have decent.
I wonder if the gameplay will be have decent.

Just from the videos I can tell a huge improvement in the game play from the first one. Also the action looks intense.
The action looked pretty intense when Crysis first came out with trailers, and in game play demos as well.

So hopefully Crysis 2 won't wont disappoint me like the 1st one did.
Those landscapes are all from Crysis 1. There's a whole community out there for designing photorealistic environments and rendering them in CryEngine.

However, I firmly believe Crysis 2 will be much worse than 1 (the game itself), because it will have to be shitted down to work on consoles. You just can't have the same scale and environments as Crysis on now 4-5 year old hardware, even with the settings turned down.

From what I've seen, it's a lot more confined shooter now, perhaps even corridor ocassionally. Not that that's bad, it's just not the same.

And those renderings in the video are hardly playable in realtime unfortunately.

Maybe in 10 years...
Those landscapes are all from Crysis 1. There's a whole community out there for designing photorealistic environments and rendering them in CryEngine.

However, I firmly believe Crysis 2 will be much worse than 1 (the game itself), because it will have to be shitted down to work on consoles. You just can't have the same scale and environments as Crysis on now 4-5 year old hardware, even with the settings turned down.

From what I've seen, it's a lot more confined shooter now, perhaps even corridor ocassionally. Not that that's bad, it's just not the same.

And those renderings in the video are hardly playable in realtime unfortunately.

Maybe in 10 years...

Well Im keeping my hopes up. i think they have had long enough to perfect it. The problem with crysis 1 was even computer components such as CPUs and GPU's still had a problem running them game. With the advanced tech in the last five years now we have quad and hexcore processors and these new 4 and 5 series nvidia I think the game will run great.
With the ay tech has advanced the last five years now we have quad and hexcore processors and these new 4 and 5 series nvidia I think the game will run great.

So what, players with top end machines can get better than 20fps now?
Unless this takes serious advantage of multi-core cpus it'll be horrible to play. I never played the original just for this reason.
Well Im keeping my hopes up. i think they have had long enough to perfect it. The problem with crysis 1 was even computer components such as CPUs and GPU's still had a problem running them game. With the advanced tech in the last five years now we have quad and hexcore processors and these new 4 and 5 series nvidia I think the game will run great.

The problem with their game was that it was poorly optimized. That's what they want you to believe, that it was the hardware, not their poor coding.
Haha yea, there coding was all screwed up thats for sure. Most game companys have a deadline, if they don't meet the deadline in time, they pretty much slap thing's together with duct tape and gorilla glue and call it good. Just to make things worse, people who bought it with a high end computer weren't even seeing their FPS over 35, and that is with their GPUs overclocked.

Now I am not bashing the game by any means, just wasn't my style. Don't get me wrong the cryengine is amazing and they have a good idea and means about it, but like I said, not my ideal game. I just get upset at game companies, because they want to keep their players happy, but when they don't go out of their way to do so, becomes a huge hit not only on the company themselves but also on the players as well. It becomes a trust issue, and once you lose that with the players, you might as well say bye.
The problem with their game was that it was poorly optimized. That's what they want you to believe, that it was the hardware, not their poor coding.

IDK, I think they just made design decisions that push the hardware really far.

Even the GTX 480 overclocked (and the 580 most likely) only does 20-30 FPS maxed out in some areas at 1920x1080x4AA... and that's like 3 years later from game release.

Same thing as Far Cry. It took 4-5 years until we got card that truly owned it.

In a year or two perhaps the next generation cards will finally run it properly.
IDK, I think they just made design decisions that push the hardware really far.

Even the GTX 480 overclocked (and the 580 most likely) only does 20-30 FPS maxed out in some areas at 1920x1080x4AA... and that's like 3 years later from game release.

Which should tell you something about their coding and not utilizing multi-core capable processors. Crysis guessed it...suck my hairy asshole!
Crysis would have been a great game if they lowered the specs just a tad bit so computers could actually run them properly, didn't rush it and took time to make it (hence the coding aspect is all screwed up), and the cryengine could be tweaked just a bit as well.