May 18, 2012 #1 F Frit0z Registered User Joined Aug 1, 2009 Messages 2,674 Age 39 So last night Bot, Demonfoxkiller, and myself searched for a few hours to find all the stuff to get into the new secret level. After we collected everything this is what we discovered.
So last night Bot, Demonfoxkiller, and myself searched for a few hours to find all the stuff to get into the new secret level. After we collected everything this is what we discovered.
May 18, 2012 #2 RainMotorsports Leadership Leadership Joined Mar 6, 2011 Messages 8,653 L O fucking L.
May 19, 2012 Banned #3 TasteyPotato BANNED BANNED Joined Sep 23, 2011 Messages 369 I want diablo 3 :'(
May 19, 2012 #4 MacN8r Ban Manager Admin Joined Nov 6, 2008 Messages 7,200 My son's name is IdoVodo#1633. He said he would join up with you sometime. His monk is lvl 34 and he just started a witch doctor, who is lvl 15.
My son's name is IdoVodo#1633. He said he would join up with you sometime. His monk is lvl 34 and he just started a witch doctor, who is lvl 15.
May 20, 2012 #5 BritPatriot89 Registered User Joined Dec 3, 2011 Messages 93 Are you telling me we can FINALLY kill my little ponies? :')