Differences in Military Jargon Across the Services


Registered User
Jan 3, 2008
1339706891_Military-Terms (1).jpg
LMAO, funny stuff BOT! Does the rest of the military really look at the Air Force like that? I wanted to join the Air Force cyber division.... guess I would of needed a pair of panties to go with my computer.
Hell, I'm AF and it's pretty accurate. True story: We had a Maintenance Group Commander (MXG) that instituted a "Knock It Off" card. It was a laminated business card that had his number, along with the production superintendent, first shirt, chaplin, etc. numbers on it as well listed on the back. On the front, it had in big red letters "KNOCK IT OFF. If you feel as though you are asked to perform an unsafe act, present this card and call a number on the back." Higher supervision was known to stop and ask you to present this card, just to check. It was surreal. Sgtdeadred probably remembers, Col Northrup.
I was disappointed that they didn't have pogey bait on the list. Any Marine will tell you it's what you get out of the ge-dunk machines.
Lol Zoombag......

fucking Marines..

Funny Im pretty sure everyone calls the DFAC a chow hall lol.
Lol Zoombag......

fucking Marines..

Funny Im pretty sure everyone calls the DFAC a chow hall lol.

I use em interchangeably. I tend to say DFAC more often when im on a permanent base though with a brick & mortar DFAC. Chow hall is reserved more for deployments.
Semper Fi! Hoorah!

All the members of TBG that server their country I have the utmost respect for you. Thank you for serving. I myself wanted to serve, but I was handed disabilities that prevent me from joining.
There were two things I was going to mention and that was one of 'em. The other was the athletic shoes/ground grabbers, those were called your go fasters during my time.
I was disappointed that they didn't have pogey bait on the list. Any Marine will tell you it's what you get out of the ge-dunk machines.
I thought the AF column was the Navy. Cause you know the joke "60 men go down 30 couples come up.".
I thought the AF column was the Navy. Cause you know the joke "60 men go down 30 couples come up.".

Indeed, the AF gets all foreign cuties, submariners can't really do that anymore :D

edit: you are filthy evil :D
We also had the politically incorrect term, "BAM" for broad-assed Marines, or women Marines. And zoom bag comes from what we call the Air Force - zoomies.