Digital Point just blew my mind with this modification for Xenforo.


Mar 6, 2011
Way back when I manually coded in a drop down next to forums to list some of the forums.

I wanted a plugin for Xenforo to do this automatically and when I noticed Digital Point aka Shawn Hogan had done this on the Digital Point forums I asked him about it. But apparently this isnt here for navigation it was here for an entirely different purpose.

<iframe width="960" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Holy shit is that an awesome tool for admins.

digitalpoint said:
It's something we built in-house, and not something that is available to the public at this point. The drop-down is actually a small component of something bigger more complicated that only mods/admins can see.

Specifically we needed a "drop-zone" for our drag and drop thread movement system... the ability for end-users to use that drop-zone for navigation was a bit of an "after the fact" thought. Oh... this could be useful for navigation too. hah
That is nice. Any other vids we should be aware of about features and stuff from them?
From xenforo or digital point? DP generally doesn't do shit to sell. So that feature isn't going to be there for us. As for xenforo when I'm developing on the new beta I'll try to make some tutorials.

I will be coding between 15 and 20 plugins for us between replicating was here making our life easier and adding some function I'd like to see. Plus all the plugins we will be picking up.