Hello, I'm a clan mate of =SG= The_Man_13 (he frequents your 64 slot Karkand server). He let me know that you guys rent a dedicated box from the server provider Hypernia.com
We rent from them as well (same network in NY) but it's only a pay-per-slot server. We've been having lots of issues with lag, rubber banding and even all the players being dumped from the server for no apparent reason. I just wondered if you guys are experiencing the same thing with your Bad Company 2 servers on the box. They (Hypernia) claim it's the connection to EA's backend servers being lost and that they cannot do anything to fix it.
We rent from them as well (same network in NY) but it's only a pay-per-slot server. We've been having lots of issues with lag, rubber banding and even all the players being dumped from the server for no apparent reason. I just wondered if you guys are experiencing the same thing with your Bad Company 2 servers on the box. They (Hypernia) claim it's the connection to EA's backend servers being lost and that they cannot do anything to fix it.