Dragon Valley on TBG BF 2/3 server.

fred ward

Registered User
Aug 29, 2016
Server just just down as Dragon Valley was about to load. It was a full game now only 6 people have rejoined. Sometimes it does this when the match is already underway. With all the issues with this map wouldn't it be easier to just take it out of rotation?
Sorry to inform bud but DRAGON VALLEY has been off the TBG BF2/3 maps server for few months now. A few TBG members came to the conclusion that the map was poorly made and glitchy so they removed Dragon Valley despite the pleas of regulars on the server who loved the map (Disclaimer/notice I was one those regulars and sought a court injunction to stop TBG from removing the map despite what the server's title says). My court petition failed and the judge opined that since TBG rents the server they kan do as they like no matter what the majority of the player base votes for.

In TBG's defense they did hold a vote but without election monitors. So some kan argue voting irregularities occurred and think an outside counsel should be appointed to probe these allegations. IMO We should also impanel a voting commission to investigate allegations of voter fraud and other irregularities in this decision and election. I will appeal the court's decision and amend the original petition to not only address voting irregularities that affected the popular vote of the Dragon Valley ELECTION but will also include false and misleading statements since the title doesn't reflect the realities on the ground.

I also plan to file an freedom of information request to review the emails between the upper echelons of TBG's hierarchy/administration to see if there was any bias at play in this decision to remove Dragon Valley from the BF3 maps server's rotation. I would like to add that those members do not even play on the server regularly to this day. I would like to point out in their defense that Tuesday was TBG night on the BF3 maps server last night and we exacted revenge on some TBG players for this. @DogPen, oldbandit, and others. :p Anyways just wanted to inform you of the injustice and emotional distressed inflicted as a result TBG's decision to remove DRAGON VALLEY. I will seek relief from the American Justice system!

Anyways, we still have some killer games in the evening like last night on the few remaining maps in the BF3 maps server so hop on if you like to hear the sound of the Jihadi Jeep go Beep Beep and then BOOOOOM!.

As yall kan tell I have some free time at work at the moment. Hope yall enjoy the alternative facts and fake news discourse I have engendered. :p:p:p:p:p:p:p
See yall on the Battlefield!!!! HOOYAH!!!!!!
Tell the Truth Now you DID NOT Kill me in any way last night But you did wear My Ucav in the side of you Jihadi jeep with devastating consequences which Earned you A
TBG Dogpen Tbag
and i did kill you again with a Gun (SVD)
As for justice your not in TBG so why should you hold a Vote for which maps TBG want on there server list

Thats like I live in UK so i cant vote for US president
Non members and regular players voted DV in but server Stats Dropped so we Voted It out

Come to All maps and Play DV it is on the Vote map Rotation
" we exacted revenge on some TBG players for this. @DogPen, oldbandit, and others. " Yeah you & Mex killed me a few times when I was dealing with 500 ping lag spikes because my kids were sucking out all the bandwidth out of the house with the Xbox 360. Here is the one time you killed me what my screen looked like when you killed me(I was spinning in circles at the time). Here @DogPen this what I was talking about last night on Discord ; This is what the underneath of Caspian Borders looks like; https://imgur.com/a/3P01M I just killed someone with a Ucav and it went to this afterwords. Weird stuff.
@militarydan81. I will cower in the fear and stand idle as I witness the disintegration and injustice done to the democratic institutions TBG has implemented over the past 10 years. people have given their lives to keep Dragon Valley alive and what it represents on the BF3 maps server ! I have a voice and I will not be silenced by Deep State operatives or cronies of this administration! Release the TAPES!!!!! and send in a non-partisan forensic data technician to find the missing emails!!!!! VIVA Dragon Valley! :p:p:p:p

The judges were biased in their decision to dismiss my case against TBG but I will file a resolution with the United Nations seeking to make the TBG BF3 maps server a sovereign and freedom loving server.:p

P.S. As yall can tell i have some free time at work this afternoon. But ill be home shortly to bomb that boat and MBT tank of yours militarydan81. :D:D


See you the Battlfield PUTOS!! Hooyah!!!!!