EA Doesn't Think That Botched 'Battlefield 4' Launch Damaged The Brand

Are they fucking insane? Well, it goes to show what we've known for a while...EA and DICE are clueless.
Are they fucking insane? Well, it goes to show what we've known for a while...EA and DICE are clueless.

I watched a podcast with some gaming journalist nerds that attended that symposium and they said the guy basically was all "Herp derp we're giving away awesome free content, WHAT THE FUCK ELSE ARE YOU GOING TO PLAY, etc" Battlefield has pretty much reached the point of banks and fast food: too big to fail.
It will fail, just a matter of time.

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EA and Activison just have us trained to think that when games launch there are going to be problems with the game. Hopefully they over did it this time and people will wait to see what others think about the game before buying it. They are right about one thing what Military style FPS are you going to play?
Still don't have the game. Still don't want it. Until other are like this. They will say and act as they want.
It isnt damaged . I actually agree with EA
People will still buy the game regardless. We all do. Dont we? I think that's what EA is getting at.

Ive gotten better by not purchasing premium.
Having lived without tank simulators and adventure games throughout my adult life, I believe I can survive a few years of not playing military style FPS.
I don't have a problem with a game having problems on launch I just think they over did it with BF4. Hell when they release a patch they screw up as many things as they fix at least that's what it seems like.
I don't have a problem with a game having problems on launch I just think they over did it with BF4. Hell when they release a patch they screw up as many things as they fix at least that's what it seems like.
yea, they dont run patches through test servers to check before they release. They whip something up, throw it together and patch it, motto: Fuck it, we will get it next patch!

Games arent meant to be patched out the ying yang, unless that is the new trend these days. See how many times you can patch a game.
I decided months ago I will not be buying any more Battlefield games unless the franchise is sold to a different studio. Sadly EA has a history of destroying great titles (Command and Conquer anyone?). Hopefully we can find a good shooter to replace BF with.
I decided months ago I will not be buying any more Battlefield games unless the franchise is sold to a different studio. Sadly EA has a history of destroying great titles (Command and Conquer anyone?). Hopefully we can find a good shooter to replace BF with.

Studio as in not EA (Publisher) or not DICE (Studio). I do not believe DICE has a stake in the franchise at this point. Also any company EA gives the game to will not be able to handle it. Pick you favorite developer and they will fail I promise you. As long as EA controls the franchise which will be... always and forever? Chances are the time table for launch will continue to be a pissing contest with activition. Thats not to say it couldn't be better but it will still come out to be a rushed pile of crap.
yea, they dont run patches through test servers to check before they release. They whip something up, throw it together and patch it, motto: Fuck it, we will get it next patch!

Over half the patches are publicly tested by thousands of players. You can go patch testing anytime one is available. It occurs on dice hosted servers and that testing decides how soon a hotfix release is pushed. Patches that require a client patch can not be tested by the public but server only patches can.