
Registered User
Jun 10, 2012
EverQuest and EverQuest II have become free-to-play. And like any other free-to-play MMORPG, they have the pay-to-play still in place which allows access to all content. I play for free on EQII but I paid for my class and race, plus a mount. Was like $15, which I think is relatively cheap compared to other MMOs stores. Anyway, if you play either, let me know and I will be sure to add you (I can't think of my account info or toon name at the moment).

Oh yeah, I am a Dark Elf Bruiser, which is of course Evil and Evil is always the way to go on MMOs (FOR THE HORDE! Hehe.. >.>)

Does anyone else play either EQ or EQII?
Dark elf Brusier?! LOL what class is that? I played a long time ago, on both PC and playstation2. I loved that series, defining MMO expereince of my childhood and adulthood imho.

I had a Half elf Bard, Human Paladin, Human Warrior and High Elf Pally. I love that game, it's fucking awesome, I am extremely happy to hear they are free to play I am definitely going to pick it up again, let me know if you want to play. Im totally down: mind you I haven't played since Nexus and planes of chaos, but Im sure there has been a fuck load of shit since Nexus and the bazaar.

The only question I have: where does the player population sit?

taht's what kept me in the game. It's not fun without people to play with.
I would have to look where the player populations are. I play EQII more often than EQ, because I think its better. EQ has that nostalgia feel though. I will look up the player stats and let you know.

Dark Elf is a Dark Elf of course. A Bruiser is like an evil Monk. Like the Shadow Knight to the Paladin. Way easy to level too, unlike the Shadow Knight (fun, but hard as hell to play).

I can't even think of the server I am on, on either game at the moment either. Ill look that up and get back to you. Ill PM you the info ^_^