FOV screen comparisons


Registered User
Aug 1, 2009
Credit for this goes to Brumski on the EA UK forums

To change the FOV go to your documents folder find BCB2 folder and open the settings file with notepad or something. FOV is on the bottom.

Might help some people..

FOV Comparison

(All taken from the same position looking at the same spot at a resolution of 1920*1200 (Resized for the forum))

55 (default)





200 (maximum as far as I know)

Animated Gif courtesy of Phazon88

its Field of View. its counted in Degrees. so if you put up 180 you should be able to see straight left all the way to straight right. increasing it will also make you feel like your running really fast and higher FOV gives a little fisheye effect. 85 is confortable for me. may want to go lower if you plan to snipe alot as it makes it look like your closer.

Edit: Its great for multi monitor setups like eyefinity.
Very nice. Thanks for the work. I think I'm going to set the FOV to a minimum and up it only a little if I find my peripheral vision is impeded.
Ok guys im having some graphics glitches...Like im seeing little square pixels from time to time on the buildings ever since I adjusted and did this...Do you think I should try a lower number like maybe 75 or possibly 65 or go back to the default they had of 59...
360 degree view... Mmmm *thinks* *head asplodes*

How about 720 degrees? That would make your head "asplode" - you can do that stuff with computers you know - stuff that's not possible in the real world.

FOV is nice, but the drawback is it puts things further away from you. According to your playing style, that might not be a big deal, but I personally like being able to clearly distinguish things really far in the distance in my crosshair. Default wins.
Im thinking of going back to default to...Because i don't like the glitchyness im seeing after setting mine to 85...So when I get on tommrow I thnk im gonna set it back to the default of 59 that they had...
55 is the default, though I don't play anymore when I did I found that 65 was best for me. Anything above that and it got that fish eye feel to it. Also what resolution and what size monitor are you running at. Regardless this shouldn't be causing any graphics issues as far as dead pixels.
yea i dont think its the FOV tweak thats causing those issues. you should really look into getting a higher wattage PS soon. something that can handle your graphics card.

im running my fov at 200 now. 40" monitor at 1920x1080 its pretty damn cool. im gonna keep mine like this. :D
I only have a 19 inch monitor...And fritoz I do think it was doing this...It never did this til after I changed the fov...But needless to say I still need a better power supply...
Human vision in about the same frame of view is most comfortable about 70-80. In fact, most games are 70-80. I have no clue why DICE decided to make their game 55. Stupid Swedish people. Yet another reason why I don't like this company. Maybe they have tunnel vision and they can't look from side to side.
I set mine back to 59...Because I couldn't stand the wackyness of things looking stretched a bit...