

Registered User
Aug 12, 2010
*Game: BF 2142 *Server Name: ALL TITAN TBG
*Date/time: 29/09/2010 *Player Name: Foxtrotter *Offense: I was it is aimbot
Evidence: No one real, just that when a i kill him the name that appears is other, but this can be a bug Comments:You can see him status in BF2142, the men is GOD in tank fights, He win gunships, almost every time. And he always hits the gunship flying at high speed
He never (that I've seen) was logged when Admins is in the game

Sorry for the poor english, I trying practice
He is clean at PB Bans, but we will keep an eye on him. Thanks for the heads up.

google translate sorry if incorrect;
Ele é limpo, PB proibições, mas vamos manter um olho nele. Graças a cabeça para cima.
FOx is a clean player IMO....damn good in a tank BUT he isnt god......his fav trick is to hide in the shadows like a ..well...a he isnt a way....

Ive got lucky shooting gunships down with a tank before at highspeed so it isnt impossible to do...just lead your shot.....simple hack in that....
I vouch for foxtrotter since he is in the top 10 with the tank. I also played with/vs him a lots of time and never found anything suspicious. Ha has the skillz of any good tank driver should have.