FPS Capped


Registered User
Jul 14, 2016
I have capped my FPS and notice that in BF4 my cpu usage went down a lot. From mid 80s to around 50%. But this causes stuttering for my aiming and parts of game. Also there are some minor screen tearing and that depends on what you cap it at. I have 60hz monitor so capping it around 60-65 causes little screen tearing at times and above varies. Make you sure play at fullscreen too because that will help reduce any stuttering caused.
I say, never cap your FPS no matter your refresh rate. Let it fluctuate and you'll be fine. BF4 is a CPU intensive game and depending on what CPU you're running, that could be your problem.
I have an Intel Core i5 4440, with it capped it seems like less stuttering in fullscreen and better minus the screen tearing stuff.
If you have an Nvida card maybe you should try fast sync, might solve your problem. but 144hz monitors are king in bf4...
I have a GTX 760 so I can not use Fast Sync, not even an option for me.
A FPS cap of 100 seems to be the sweet spot for me. Very smooth with with just high enough and low enough cpu usage for no stuttering.
When I was actively playing I was keeping my frames locked at 144... not for usage reasons but for a clear image with no screen tearing.
Your monitor is 60hz. Anything higher than 60 fps is a waste. It won't fully render frames above that aka screen tear. Don't use v sync in games as it causes significant latency for the mouse and keyboard. There are ways of locking frames by using a configuration file or by using a console command while in game. Until you have a higher refresh monitor with a better gpu, I'd lock the fps at no more than 60.
i use a config file and locking it at 60 causes screen tearing for me actually while locking it at 100 has no issuse.
i use a config file and locking it at 60 causes screen tearing for me actually while locking it at 100 has no issuse.
probably because 60fps will dip down to 40fps or even 30fps sometimes where as when 100fps dips you would still be above 60fps so your always getting the max refresh rate for your monitor. on my 144hz monitor i usually have 200+fps with frame dips to about 150.
i can not afford it right now or else i would. What about a 120hz monitor?
I am sure that would be a lot better than 60hz but i would just save for a good 144hz, you can find the ones im currently using (see my signature) on eBay for 200 bucks + free shipping. Might even be cheaper in about 15 days for black Friday and cyber Monday sales.
I know a high refresh rate would help but battlefield are the only games that give me any stuttering issue because of their optimization.
So capping your FPS in BF1 also help lower CPU usage a little. Not as much of a difference as in BF4 but still some at least. I went from 99% to 91% capping at 61fps.