Gah! I hate Intel sometimes


Registered User
Sep 29, 2008
So I've been noticing that I'm lagging like fuck during games lately even after replacing my network card and I notice something in the taskmanager called iastordatamgrsvc.exe is utilizing 99% of my CPU-WTF? It turns out this is Intel's IRST for my SATA drive and the file's become fuck. I removed this shit and problem solved. But then I had to reboot, re-enable my SSD as AHCI (and you can't do that unless you make changes to your Win registry first) and then reboot into Windows. The good news is that when I got all this shit done Win7 installed newer IRST drivers and the problem is gone. Hopefully I won't be laggy as fuck in the games any more. This has been driving up the proverbial bat shit wall and this is why I hate Intel sometimes!
That must have been a really fuckin' annoying problem. Nice that you solved it though.
Yeah, it was annoying as fuck. Thankfully, the Win7 forums had a few threads on just this problem and they walked me through the registry change but damn!
I hate... going into my reg... its the worst thing in the world, i feel like im going to spill my drink and hit the save button after mashing my head on the keyboard.
Not being able to change from IDE mode to AHCI without reinstalling win or fiddling with the registry is an annoying problem indeed. That's why you set your bios to AHCI when you buy your PC :-P .

But anyway, instead of relying on windows update for drivers, it's generally a better idea to get them from Ultrabook, SmartPhone, Laptop, Desktop, Server, & Embedded? Intel . They're in the support section, cleverly hidden behind "software products / chipset software" (not IDE or SATA controllers or motherboards).

I use intel's RST for soft RAID for raid0 on a couple hard drives and have had no problems at all.

While you're there you might as well run their chipset software driver to make sure you're up to date as well. Both RST and chipset drivers install very gracefully over older ones, so you don't have to uninstall the older ones. In fact, I wouldn't recommend uninstalling them because you can possibly make your PC unbootable, or at least some device(s) unusable lol.
Ha! Set the bios when I buy the PC? I build mine and did set the AHCI in the bios but when I uninstalled the IRST it required a reboot and the bios reverted back to IDE after uninstalling the IRST without giving the option of AHCI. I was going to download the IRST manually but as soon as I booted up Win7 did it for me and then I was able to reboot into bios and change back to AHCI so no worries, just a colossal pain in the ass.
RST changing the BIOS to IDE sounds like epicfail to me. IDE is kind of old nowadays, and AHCI provides more features such as NCQ, software RAID, and hot-swapping. There's no reason to use IDE except for compatibility reasons with old devices as far as I know...
Glad you found something. Now come figure out mine dammit! I've been getting the same thing and "iastordatamgrsvc" is not running in task manager. I did pick up a network card today at Tiger so we'll see if that does anything.