Game videos.


Registered User
Jan 4, 2008
Goofing around on YouTube and saw a couple of Fast's gs vids. Tight vids Fast. Anyone else have any videos from 2142 or BC2? I have a few in the tank....<a href="" target="_blank">My YouTube channel.<br />
Bureau, added you as friend (Davique93) and I do not have any videos yet, I have been searching around for a good video recorder, that can record in HD, fraps was to heavy for my computer and only lagged the shit out of it... I have now found a program called "Camtasia Studio 6", that is only recording what is on your screen, but it is still a little laggy, but it is much better then Fraps, any other suggestions/tips about programs are very welcome! :)

I hope to make a bf2142 video soon as I have played it for years and want atleast one video!

- Dave
I run FRAPS all the time and have no trouble. Graphics running at full and FRAPS running at 60FPS.
If FRAPS was too heavy an HD game recorder is going to be even worse (can't think of any neither, maybe Sony's). Most of the videos are done with FRAPS, but they usually screw them up trying to upload them to You Tube or converting them on their computers.
The reason my videos look like shit is because of my computer and not FRAPS. I have a shit set-up and my video settings have been on LOW since I started playing 2142. I lag so bad anyways that FRAPS didn't seem to change things much. LMAO
just so you guys know if you click on the You Tube button to the right of the screen below a persons details it will take you to their you tube vids. its right over here-----------------------------------------------------------------^^
just so you guys know if you click on the You Tube button to the right of the screen below a persons details it will take you to their you tube vids.

I always miss stuff like that. Thanks Rayzor