Gamma ray burst


Registered User
Mar 24, 2009
Mysterious gamma ray burst has two perfectly good, completely different explanations

"All we really know for sure about the "Christmas Burst" is that it lasted for an unusually long 28 minutes, and in that time it emitted a massive amount of gamma-rays comprising more energy in a few seconds than the Sun will produce in its entire lifetime."

Stuff like this is interesting as hell to me, even though I can't comprehend alot of it lulz
I love how they theorize neutrino star crashes into a red dwarf. What if it's actually other interstellar beings playing with neutrino stars and purposely causing these collisions? That would be cool. One black hole coming up!
I love how they theorize neutrino star crashes into a red dwarf. What if it's actually other interstellar beings playing with neutrino stars and purposely causing these collisions? That would be cool. One black hole coming up!

I like to think that they're all "Oh shit fellas, we're being watched, let's fuck with 'em." MOTHER FUCKING GAMMA BURST PEW PEW PEW
So I'm not the only non nerd here that follows this stuff. If you’re interested in astronomy & cosmology might I suggest checking out several good series that air on the History, H2 & Science Channels "How The Universe Works", "The Planets", "The Universe", "Through The Worm Hole" & "Wonders of the Universe". These are just a few off the top of my head but they are all very interesting and will make you think. If you have these channels in HD you’ll want to watch them on those channels.