I wouldn't put the effort into flying in BC2. The flight mechanics and physics are absolute trash, you have no working instruments, shitty rate of climb and your are vulnerable to just about everything.
For BC2 your going to want Engie and smoke, if you are out on your own, and the other team is somewhat AA savy.
If you are gunning, use optics... Always, unless you have a good pilot who is cognizant the bad guys birds, in that case I would have both Pilots equip ALT weapon to lay out some serious AT
If the guys on the grounds are complete idiots, and dont care if you are murdering them en masse I normally roll Warheads when on normal, and reload or something else when playing on HC. On vietnam, always roll warheads, as the Armor is useless, due to the huge rotor blade hit box and tanks that can aim 70* strait up and wack you with thinking.
The good notes to hit on however are that in BC:V the Huey is actually really fun and enjoyable to fly, they made the flight model more responsive and stable, less resistant to enemy fire, but it can take a ton of hits and still fly. The Center of gravity has been significantly lowered, so you don't have to worry about dynamic rollover as much (where you flip a bitch). I would'nt try to get fancy with a joystick, because you really don't need it and it would make it harder to fly IMO. The pitch axis is fixed at 90* down and 80* up. the roll axis is fixed at about 75* left and right, depending on how quick on the controls you are.
I would recommend Battlefield 2 if you want to use your X52 system that and Apache: Air Assault is also a really awesome game to play, lot of great features, lot of fun to play. If you want to go super hardcore internet aviator, hop on Arma 2 and Ill give you tutorial and a few hours of instruction..