Ghost Recon or Warfigher?


Sep 23, 2011
I'll be kitted out with a new pc soon! (finally). Just inquiring as to whether anyone is going to get the new Ghost Recon or the new MOH??

Or maybe even the new Rainbow Six?

All 3 games look pretty epic
In my opinion, do not get the new ghost recon, it is in third person and gives me a head ache watching it.

If anything get the new MOH or CS:GO
Ghost recon is in 3rd person!? Serious?? haha I didn't even know that :(
well after searching a bit i think they recently added first person option (when you zoom in?)

Here is a video

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
:( it looks better than it actually is haha. Good job I didn't preorder it! Thanks Fasty :). Have you checked out the new Rainbow Six?
its only lke a movie trailer at the moment. But the concept looks good! It might end up like Ghost recon though haha
have you looked into the new CS or do you not like that style of play?
Yeah I've looked into it but you're right :( I don't like the whole hip shooting and the movement and physics of CS. CS:GO is pretty much the same as Source right? Just more guns and a few tweaks?
style of play hasn't really changed. The way guns work has been altered a bit. The classic maps have also been slightly tweaked as well.
The rainbow six trailer looks awesome but I will go for cs:go, I never liked ghost recon :D
I do wanna try all three tbh, though I'm anticipating Ghost Recon more. The new MoH looks like it's just copying CoD's SP just like BF3's campaign did :/
yeah I'd like all 3 :D hahah. I think MOH the multiplayer will be interesting to see how it turns out. Hopefully it'll be bf3 style maps but infantry only and no stupid bugs and hacks :(

I think Rainbow six is going to be HUGE! Downloading rainbow six vegas 2 to try get into the whole series and see what its like but Im definitely not getting bf3 especially after they are trying to cash in on all the unlocks its just got ridiculous.
IF your into third person shooters ghost recon will be amazing ive been waiting for this since 2009 and finally its come 2 DAYS!!!!!!!!!
never ever have i had 3PS mode in rainbow six, how the fk do you get it?
I bought Rainbow six vegas 2 two days ago. And fuck I haven't left my computer since! I know it's not supposed to be the best Rainbow Six but I think Patriots will be a pretty insane game! Especially when the trailer is just ps3 graphics.. Imagine the PC!! :O