Glenn Beck to leave FOX


TBG Founder
Jan 2, 2008
Good, he should go back to his alcoholism. When you spew out a lot of drunk talk and stupid things embarrassing already a tarnished network you will get the boot. He should join Palin in Alaska drink some beer and watch Russia from her backyard.
You know what news I watch: and AJE - Al Jazeera English

Gives me both sides; left, right, and center (Sounds hot!)

Fuck all the mainstream outlets.
yeah I just recently got that on my digital. Al jazeera is pretty good.
The only thing that concerns me about is the control issue. If Google wanted to, they could make all news appear left wing, or right wing for that matter.
I watch Fox; but, I do not watch Beck....too far right, imo. Fuck Palin, I like Donald Trump can you imagine the first lady...bong I popped a woody
I really wonder what Trump would do in office. I mean we've had some sacks of shit running this country lately....
I really wonder what Trump would do in office. I mean we've had some sacks of shit running this country lately....
Well, only if you consider the last 43 years to be lately.
clinton was pretty good imo. Balance budget and low unemployment.
Let's see:

Kennedy. He gave America legit hope and promised to get us to the Moon. We need a president that will take that next step: Mars? Something significant that makes America great again.
Something significant that makes America great again.

How about ending political correctness, balancing the budget, and making people accountable for their own actions again. And this includes education-if you want to be on top in any area your citizens need to be educated. HS, trade schools, etc. just won't get it done.

Oh, I forgot that would be hard work and since we're all entitled to better we don't need to work our asses off. Silly me, what the hell was I thinking?
Hopefully, keyword HOPEFULLY, we will see that in 2012. Not too sure though.
I like watching the interviews on FOX. I laugh at the people that are so blinded by BS it's unreal.
I don’t really hate anyone but god damn forgive me but I can't stand that big mouth, blow hard, douche bag! Any chance we can get him to just leave?
I don’t really hate anyone but god damn forgive me but I can't stand that big mouth, blow hard, douche bag! Any chance we can get him to just leave?

In my candid opinion, only uneducated people or people oblivious to certain situations like to follow glen beck (no offence to anyone ;) He finds someone to attack usually liberal side and make these big claims when the facts are incorrect. I guess attacking is fine but being obsessed and making false claim is bad. As fox is continuously trying to steal viewers from the other side like CNN thats not good for business if your prime time guy is just BSing through the whole show.